Docker Distributed Storage: GlusterFS vs. Ceph for Persistent Container Data

Abhay Singh Kathayat - Dec 21 '24 - - Dev Community

Docker Distributed Storage: GlusterFS and Ceph

In containerized environments, especially when using Docker in production at scale, managing storage efficiently becomes crucial. Traditional storage systems, like local disk or NFS (Network File System), may not scale well when dealing with a large number of containers or when high availability and fault tolerance are required. This is where distributed storage solutions like GlusterFS and Ceph come into play. These distributed file systems provide scalable and highly available storage for containers, making them ideal for stateful applications running in Docker environments.

This article will explain what GlusterFS and Ceph are, how they work, and how to use them with Docker for distributed storage.

What is Distributed Storage?

Distributed storage refers to a system that allows data to be stored across multiple machines or locations, typically in a way that ensures fault tolerance, high availability, and scalability. In containerized environments, distributed storage systems are designed to ensure that data persists beyond the lifetime of individual containers and can be accessed by multiple containers running on different hosts.

Why Use Distributed Storage in Docker?

Docker containers are often ephemeral, meaning they are created, destroyed, and recreated frequently. By default, Docker containers use ephemeral storage that is wiped when the container is removed. To ensure that data is retained beyond the lifecycle of containers, distributed storage systems can be used to store volumes across multiple nodes in a cluster.

Distributed storage systems also provide:

  • Scalability: Easy to expand storage across many machines.
  • Fault Tolerance: Ensures data remains available even when some machines fail.
  • High Availability: Data is replicated across different nodes, providing redundancy.

GlusterFS: A Distributed File System for Docker

GlusterFS is an open-source, distributed file system that provides scalable, redundant storage. It allows you to pool storage from multiple servers into one large volume, which can be mounted on different machines. This makes it a great option for managing persistent storage in Docker environments.

Key Features of GlusterFS:

  1. Scalability: Easily scales horizontally by adding new nodes to the cluster.
  2. Replication: Supports synchronous and asynchronous replication to ensure data redundancy and fault tolerance.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Automatically heals the data if there’s a failure.
  4. Distributed Volumes: Can pool multiple storage servers into a single logical volume.
  5. High Performance: Built to handle high throughput workloads.

Setting up GlusterFS with Docker:

  1. Install GlusterFS: You need to install GlusterFS on all nodes in your cluster. This is usually done on Linux-based systems.
sudo apt-get install glusterfs-server
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  1. Create a GlusterFS Volume: After installation, you can create a GlusterFS volume on the nodes. For example:
sudo gluster volume create myvolume replica 2 transport tcp node1:/data node2:/data
sudo gluster volume start myvolume
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  1. Mount the Volume in Docker: Once the volume is created, you can mount it inside Docker containers as a persistent storage volume.
docker volume create --driver local \
  --opt type=none \
  --opt device=/mnt/glusterfs \
  --opt o=bind myvolume
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  1. Use the Volume in Containers: You can then mount the GlusterFS volume in Docker containers, ensuring persistent storage even if the container is removed.
docker run -v myvolume:/data --name mycontainer myimage
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Ceph: A Unified Distributed Storage System

Ceph is another highly scalable, open-source distributed storage system. Unlike GlusterFS, Ceph provides object, block, and file storage all within the same cluster, making it a more versatile option. Ceph’s architecture is designed to provide fault tolerance, self-healing, and high availability for data.

Key Features of Ceph:

  1. Unified Storage: Supports object, block, and file storage.
  2. Self-Healing: Automatically recovers from failures and redistributes data.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Data is replicated and distributed across nodes for high availability.
  4. Scalability: Can scale out by adding more nodes without significant performance degradation.
  5. Performance: Optimized for both read-heavy and write-heavy workloads.

Setting up Ceph with Docker:

  1. Install Ceph: Install Ceph on your machines and configure a Ceph cluster. You can use the Ceph deployment tool, ceph-deploy, for simplified installation.
sudo apt-get install ceph ceph-deploy
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  1. Configure Ceph Cluster: After installation, configure your Ceph cluster using the ceph command. You need to create a Ceph monitor and OSD (Object Storage Daemon) to start storing data.
ceph-deploy new node1 node2
ceph-deploy install node1 node2
ceph-deploy admin node1 node2
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  1. Create a Ceph Block Device: You can use Ceph to create a block device (RBD - RADOS Block Device).
radosgw-admin user create --uid="docker" --display-name="Docker User"
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  1. Configure Docker to Use Ceph: Docker can use Ceph for persistent storage by mounting an RBD device as a volume. For example, you can mount an RBD device inside a container as follows:
docker volume create --driver ceph \
  --opt volume_name=myrbd \
  --opt ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf mycephvolume
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  1. Use the Volume in Containers: After the volume is created, you can use it in your Docker containers like any other volume.
docker run -v mycephvolume:/data --name mycontainer myimage
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GlusterFS vs. Ceph: Which to Choose?

Feature GlusterFS Ceph
Storage Type Primarily file-based storage Unified storage (block, object, file)
Replication Supports synchronous and asynchronous replication Supports replication and erasure coding
Fault Tolerance High availability with automatic healing Automatic data rebalancing and healing
Performance Best for file-based workloads High performance for both object and block storage
Scalability Easily scales horizontally by adding nodes Extremely scalable, handles petabytes of data
Use Case File storage, distributed file system Block storage, cloud storage, highly available systems
  • Choose GlusterFS: If you are looking for a simple, distributed file storage solution with high availability and scalability for file-based applications.
  • Choose Ceph: If you need a more complex solution that offers block, object, and file storage, or if you have massive storage needs with fault tolerance.


When running Docker in production environments, especially with stateful applications, choosing the right storage solution is vital. Both GlusterFS and Ceph provide distributed, scalable, and highly available storage for Docker containers.

  • GlusterFS is great for applications requiring file-based storage with high availability.
  • Ceph is ideal if you need a more versatile storage solution, offering block, file, and object storage in one cluster.

Depending on your specific use case, either GlusterFS or Ceph can help you manage persistent data in a Dockerized environment, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability.

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