Basic Kubernetes Concepts
- What is Kubernetes, and how does it differ from traditional container orchestration?
- Explain the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster.
- What are the main components of a Kubernetes cluster?
- Describe the purpose of the Kubelet, API server, and Controller Manager.
- How does Kubernetes manage containerized applications in production?
- What is the role of the Kubernetes Master Node and Worker Nodes?
- What are Pods, and how do they differ from containers?
- How does Kubernetes handle container scheduling?
- What are Namespaces in Kubernetes, and why are they used?
- How do you define resource limits and requests for containers in Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Pods and Deployments
- What is the difference between a Pod and a Deployment in Kubernetes?
- How do you scale a Kubernetes Deployment?
- Explain the lifecycle of a Pod in Kubernetes.
- What are the different Pod scheduling policies in Kubernetes?
- What is the purpose of a ReplicaSet in Kubernetes?
- How does Kubernetes handle Pod health checks (readiness and liveness probes)?
- How do you manage Pod networking in Kubernetes?
- What are taints and tolerations in Kubernetes, and how are they used?
- How do you create a multi-container Pod in Kubernetes, and why would you use it?
- Explain affinity and anti-affinity rules in Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Services and Networking
- What is the purpose of a Service in Kubernetes?
- Explain the different types of Kubernetes services (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName).
- How do Kubernetes Services work with DNS?
- What is the role of the Kubernetes Ingress resource?
- How does Kubernetes handle service discovery within a cluster?
- What is the purpose of the CoreDNS service in Kubernetes?
- How does Kubernetes handle Pod-to-Pod communication in the same cluster?
- What is the concept of Network Policies in Kubernetes?
- How do you set up TLS encryption in Kubernetes services?
- How do you implement load balancing in Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Storage and Volumes
- What are Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) in Kubernetes?
- What are the different types of StorageClasses in Kubernetes?
- Explain the difference between ephemeral storage and persistent storage in Kubernetes.
- How do you mount a volume in a Kubernetes Pod?
- What are the benefits of using dynamic provisioning for storage in Kubernetes?
- What is StatefulSet, and how does it differ from a Deployment?
- What are the different types of volumes in Kubernetes?
- How do you configure a shared storage volume for multiple Pods in Kubernetes?
- What is the role of Helm in managing Kubernetes resources, and how does it relate to storage management?
- How do you handle data persistence in stateless applications running in Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Scaling and Auto-scaling
- How does Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) work?
- Explain the concept of Vertical Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes.
- How does Kubernetes handle cluster autoscaling?
- How do you manually scale a Kubernetes deployment?
- What are ReplicaSets and how do they support scaling in Kubernetes?
- What is the role of the Kubernetes Metrics Server in autoscaling?
- How does Kubernetes support auto-scaling for stateless and stateful applications?
- What is Cluster Autoscaler, and how does it interact with Kubernetes nodes?
- How do you set up scaling rules for applications running in Kubernetes?
- How does resource requests and limits affect scaling in Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Security
- What are the best practices for securing a Kubernetes cluster?
- How does Kubernetes handle role-based access control (RBAC)?
- What are Service Accounts, and how do they work in Kubernetes?
- How do you manage secrets in Kubernetes?
- What is the PodSecurityPolicy, and how does it enhance Kubernetes security?
- How do you encrypt data at rest and in transit in Kubernetes?
- How can you audit and monitor security-related events in Kubernetes?
- What are Network Policies, and how do they help secure Kubernetes clusters?
- How do you prevent unauthorized access to Kubernetes clusters?
- What is Kubernetes Security Context, and how is it used to restrict container privileges?
Kubernetes Troubleshooting and Monitoring
- What tools can be used to monitor Kubernetes clusters?
- How would you troubleshoot Pod failures in Kubernetes?
- How do you check the logs of a running container in Kubernetes?
- How do you debug a Kubernetes deployment using
? - What are Kubernetes events, and how can they be useful for debugging?
- How do you check the status of a Kubernetes cluster?
- How can you inspect the health of nodes and pods in a Kubernetes cluster?
- What are the common reasons for Kubernetes deployment failures, and how would you fix them?
- How do you handle resource exhaustion (memory, CPU, disk) in Kubernetes?
- How do you debug issues related to Kubernetes networking?
Kubernetes and CI/CD
- How can Kubernetes integrate with CI/CD pipelines?
- What is the role of Helm in a Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline?
- How do you implement rolling updates in a Kubernetes deployment?
- How do you perform canary releases in Kubernetes?
- What are the steps to set up CI/CD with Kubernetes using Jenkins or GitLab CI?
- How does Kubernetes manage blue/green deployments?
- How do you deploy a containerized application to Kubernetes using a CI/CD pipeline?
- What are the challenges of deploying stateful applications in Kubernetes via CI/CD?
- How do you handle versioning and rolling back deployments in Kubernetes?
- How can you automate the scaling of Kubernetes deployments as part of a CI/CD process?
Kubernetes Advanced Topics
- Explain the concept of Kubernetes Federation and its use cases.
- What is the role of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in Kubernetes?
- How do you manage cross-cluster communication in Kubernetes?
- How can you use Kubernetes Operators for automating complex tasks?
- What are the benefits and challenges of using Kubernetes StatefulSets?
- How do you integrate Kubernetes with legacy systems?
- What is Helm Chart Repositories, and how are they used in Kubernetes?
- What are the benefits of using Kubernetes in hybrid or multi-cloud environments?
- How do you implement service meshes (like Istio) in Kubernetes?
- How does Kubernetes handle multi-tenancy?
Kubernetes Upgrades and Maintenance
- How do you perform a Kubernetes version upgrade?
- What are the challenges when upgrading Kubernetes, and how do you mitigate them?
- How do you manage backup and restore in Kubernetes?
- What are the best practices for upgrading Kubernetes nodes?
- How do you handle node failures and recovery in Kubernetes?
- What is the process to reconfigure the Kubernetes control plane components?
- How do you ensure zero downtime during a Kubernetes upgrade?
- How do you monitor Kubernetes upgrade progress?
- What strategies can be used for cluster disaster recovery in Kubernetes?
- How do you ensure the availability and resilience of Kubernetes clusters in a production environment?