Kubernetes Helm Charts: Managing Applications with Helm
Helm is a powerful package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of applications within Kubernetes clusters. It uses Helm Charts to define, install, and upgrade complex Kubernetes applications. Helm provides an easy way to package, configure, and deploy applications, making it an essential tool for both developers and system administrators.
In this article, we will dive into Helm charts, exploring how they work, how to use them, and how Helm can make managing Kubernetes applications more efficient.
What is Helm?
Helm is an open-source tool that streamlines the management of Kubernetes applications by packaging them into reusable templates called Helm Charts. A Helm Chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources (such as Pods, Services, Deployments, ConfigMaps, etc.). Helm charts can be used to install applications with predefined configurations or to allow easy customization through values files.
Helm functions as a package manager for Kubernetes, similar to how package managers like apt
or yum
work for Linux distributions, or npm
for Node.js. It helps with deploying, upgrading, and rolling back applications in a consistent and repeatable manner.
Key Concepts in Helm
Helm Chart: A Helm chart is a collection of Kubernetes resource files (YAML files) that define an application and its configuration. It contains templates, default values, and metadata necessary to install and run the application.
Helm Release: A Helm release is a running instance of a Helm chart in your Kubernetes cluster. When you deploy a Helm chart, it creates a release that you can manage (install, upgrade, or delete).
Values: A values file is used to pass configuration data to the Helm chart. It defines the settings that the chart templates will use during installation. Values files allow for custom configuration without modifying the chart itself.
Templates: Helm uses templates to generate Kubernetes resource manifests. These templates can be customized with variables (values) passed in during installation or upgrade.
Helm Repositories: Helm charts are stored in repositories, which can be public or private. The official Helm charts are available in the Helm Hub, but you can also create custom repositories for your organization’s charts.
How to Install and Use Helm
1. Installing Helm
Before using Helm, you need to install it on your machine. You can install Helm using a package manager or directly from the Helm GitHub releases page.
- On macOS using Homebrew:
brew install helm
- On Linux using Snap:
sudo snap install helm --classic
- On Windows using Chocolatey:
choco install kubernetes-helm
After installation, verify that Helm is working by checking its version:
helm version
2. Adding a Helm Repository
You can add a Helm repository to search and install charts from. For example, to add the official Helm stable repository, use:
helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
helm repo update
This will allow you to search for and install charts from the stable repository.
3. Searching for Helm Charts
You can search for charts from the Helm repository using:
helm search repo <chart-name>
helm search repo nginx
4. Installing a Helm Chart
To install a Helm chart, use the helm install
command. You can specify the chart name and a release name. For example:
helm install <release-name> <chart-name>
helm install my-nginx stable/nginx-ingress
This will install the NGINX ingress controller using the Helm chart from the stable repository.
5. Viewing and Managing Helm Releases
Once installed, you can list all your releases using:
helm list
To get detailed information about a specific release:
helm status <release-name>
6. Upgrading a Helm Release
To upgrade an existing release with a new version of the chart or with updated values, use:
helm upgrade <release-name> <chart-name> -f values.yaml
7. Uninstalling a Helm Release
To uninstall a release and delete the associated resources from the Kubernetes cluster:
helm uninstall <release-name>
Understanding Helm Chart Structure
A Helm chart is made up of several components:
- Chart.yaml: This file contains metadata about the chart, including its name, version, description, and dependencies.
apiVersion: v2
name: nginx-ingress
description: A Helm chart for NGINX Ingress Controller
version: 1.0.0
- values.yaml: The values file contains the default configuration values for the chart. Users can override these values during installation or upgrade to customize their application.
replicaCount: 2
repository: nginx
tag: stable
type: LoadBalancer
- templates/: The templates directory contains the Kubernetes resource templates. These templates define the Kubernetes objects like Pods, Services, Deployments, etc., that will be created when the chart is deployed.
Example (a template for a Deployment):
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: {{ include "nginx-ingress.fullname" . }}
replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
app: {{ include "nginx-ingress.name" . }}
app: {{ include "nginx-ingress.name" . }}
- name: nginx
image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
- charts/: This directory can contain other charts that the current chart depends on, allowing you to create complex, multi-component applications.
Customizing Helm Charts with Values
Helm charts are designed to be customizable. The values provided during installation or upgrade determine how the chart’s templates are rendered. For example, to customize the number of replicas or change the image tag, you can provide a custom values file (my-values.yaml
Example values file (my-values.yaml
replicaCount: 3
tag: "1.19.0"
type: NodePort
To install a chart with custom values:
helm install my-nginx stable/nginx-ingress -f my-values.yaml
Helm Best Practices
Use Helm for Managing Complex Applications: Helm is best suited for managing complex applications with multiple Kubernetes resources, such as ingress controllers, databases, and microservices.
Version Control Your Values Files: Store your values files in version control to track changes and collaborate with your team.
Use Helm Templates Locally: Before deploying a chart, you can render the templates locally to see how the final Kubernetes manifests will look. Use:
helm template <chart-name> -f values.yaml
Leverage Helm Repositories: Helm repositories allow you to share charts across teams or with the community. You can host your own repository or use public ones like the official Helm charts or Bitnami charts.
Consider Chart Dependencies: When creating Helm charts, you can define dependencies in
to manage complex applications composed of multiple components (e.g., an application and its database).
Helm and its charts significantly simplify the deployment and management of Kubernetes applications. By using Helm charts, you can package your applications in a repeatable, consistent, and easily customizable way, reducing the complexity of deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters. With the ability to install, upgrade, and roll back releases, Helm provides a robust solution for managing applications at scale.