Here’s a guide to essential MySQL operators and their applications, covering a wide range of operations for effective database management:
1. Arithmetic Operators
Used to perform mathematical operations.
Operator | Description | Example |
+ |
Addition | SELECT 5 + 3; |
- |
Subtraction | SELECT 10 - 7; |
* |
Multiplication | SELECT 4 * 2; |
/ |
Division | SELECT 8 / 2; |
% |
Modulus (remainder of division) | SELECT 10 % 3; |
- Performing calculations in SELECT queries.
- Generating derived columns.
2. Comparison Operators
Used to compare two values.
Operator | Description | Example |
= |
Equal to | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 30; |
!= or <>
Not equal to | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age != 30; |
< |
Less than | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age < 30; |
> |
Greater than | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 30; |
<= |
Less than or equal to | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age <= 30; |
>= |
Greater than or equal to | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= 30; |
- Filtering data in SELECT queries.
- Validating input data in WHERE conditions.
3. Logical Operators
Used to combine multiple conditions.
Operator | Description | Example |
Returns true if all conditions are true | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18 AND country = 'USA'; |
OR |
Returns true if any condition is true | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age < 18 OR age > 65; |
Reverses the logical state of the condition | SELECT * FROM users WHERE NOT (age = 30); |
- Building complex queries.
- Filtering data based on multiple criteria.
4. Bitwise Operators
Operate on binary representations of numbers.
Operator | Description | Example |
& |
Bitwise AND | SELECT 5 & 3; |
` | ` | Bitwise OR |
^ |
Bitwise XOR | SELECT 5 ^ 3; |
~ |
Bitwise NOT | SELECT ~5; |
<< |
Left shift | SELECT 5 << 1; |
>> |
Right shift | SELECT 5 >> 1; |
- Working with flags or binary data.
- Performing low-level data manipulations.
5. String Operators
Used for string manipulations.
Operator | Description | Example |
+ |
Concatenation (not standard SQL) |
SELECT 'Hello' + ' World'; (depends on settings) |
` | ` | |
Pattern matching | SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'J%'; |
Negated pattern matching | SELECT * FROM users WHERE name NOT LIKE 'J%'; |
- Searching for patterns in strings.
- Manipulating or combining string data.
6. Assignment Operator
Used to assign a value to a variable.
Operator | Description | Example |
:= |
Assign a value to a variable | SET @x := 10; |
- Storing intermediate results in variables.
- Enhancing readability of complex queries.
7. Aggregate Functions with Operators
Used to calculate values from column data.
Function | Description | Example |
Returns number of rows | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users; |
SUM() |
Returns sum of values | SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employees; |
AVG() |
Returns average value | SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees; |
MIN() |
Returns minimum value | SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees; |
MAX() |
Returns maximum value | SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees; |
- Performing statistical analysis.
- Summarizing data.
8. NULL-Related Operators
Used to handle NULL values.
Operator | Description | Example |
Checks if value is NULL | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age IS NULL; |
Checks if value is not NULL | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age IS NOT NULL; |
- Identifying missing or incomplete data.
9. IN and BETWEEN Operators
Simplify range and set checks.
Operator | Description | Example |
IN |
Checks if value exists in a set | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age IN (25, 30, 35); |
Checks if value does not exist in a set | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age NOT IN (25, 30, 35); |
Checks if value is in a range (inclusive) | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age BETWEEN 20 AND 30; |
Checks if value is outside a range | SELECT * FROM users WHERE age NOT BETWEEN 20 AND 30; |
- Filtering data based on ranges or specific sets.
10. Other Useful Operators
Operator | Description | Example |
Returns true if subquery returns rows | SELECT * FROM users WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM orders WHERE = orders.user_id); |
Conditional logic within queries | SELECT CASE WHEN age > 18 THEN 'Adult' ELSE 'Minor' END AS category FROM users; |
- Advanced filtering.
- Conditional data formatting.
By mastering these operators, you can effectively manipulate and analyze data in MySQL, improving both the functionality and efficiency of your queries.