GraphQL Core Concepts
- What is GraphQL, and how does it differ from REST?
- Explain the GraphQL request and response structure.
- What are the key components of a GraphQL schema?
- How do you define queries, mutations, and subscriptions in GraphQL?
- What is the purpose of GraphQL resolvers?
- How does GraphQL handle data fetching compared to REST?
- Explain the N+1 problem in GraphQL and how to address it.
- What are fragments, and when would you use them?
- What is the purpose of GraphQL directives, and how do you create custom ones?
- How does GraphQL handle introspection, and what are its advantages and risks?
GraphQL Schema Design
- What are scalar types, and how do you define custom scalars in GraphQL?
- How do you design a schema for a relational database in GraphQL?
- What is a union type, and how does it differ from an interface?
- How do you handle versioning in GraphQL APIs?
- How do you deal with circular references in GraphQL schemas?
- What is schema stitching, and how does it compare to schema federation?
- Explain the difference between input types and output types in GraphQL.
- How do you enforce field-level authorization in a GraphQL schema?
- What are enum types, and how are they useful in GraphQL?
- How do you document a GraphQL schema?
Apollo Server
- What is Apollo Server, and how does it simplify GraphQL API development?
- How do you configure an Apollo Server with type definitions and resolvers?
- How does Apollo Server handle context for passing data across resolvers?
- Explain the purpose of Apollo Data Sources.
- How do you enable caching in Apollo Server?
- How do you handle error reporting in Apollo Server?
- What are Apollo Plugins, and how can they extend functionality?
- How do you integrate subscriptions in Apollo Server for real-time data?
- How does Apollo Server handle file uploads in GraphQL?
- How do you optimize Apollo Server for production environments?
Prisma Integration
- What is Prisma, and how does it simplify database access in GraphQL APIs?
- How do you connect Prisma with Apollo Server?
- Explain the purpose of Prisma schema and how it relates to GraphQL schema.
- How do you handle database migrations with Prisma?
- How does Prisma optimize query performance in GraphQL resolvers?
- What is the purpose of Prisma’s Data Proxy?
- How do you implement batching with Prisma in GraphQL?
- How do you use Prisma for soft deletes in GraphQL APIs?
- How do you secure a Prisma-based GraphQL API?
- What are the differences between Prisma’s query engine and traditional ORMs?
Performance Optimization
- How do you reduce query complexity in GraphQL?
- What is query batching, and how does it improve performance?
- How do you implement lazy loading in GraphQL resolvers?
- What are DataLoaders, and how do they resolve the N+1 problem?
- How do you monitor GraphQL performance in production?
- Explain the role of caching in GraphQL APIs.
- How do you optimize database queries in GraphQL with Prisma?
- What tools do you use for query profiling in GraphQL?
- How do you implement rate limiting in GraphQL APIs?
- How do you handle pagination efficiently in GraphQL?
Security in GraphQL
- How do you secure GraphQL APIs against malicious queries?
- What is query depth limiting, and how does it protect GraphQL APIs?
- How do you handle authentication and authorization in GraphQL?
- What is the role of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in securing GraphQL APIs?
- How do you sanitize user inputs in GraphQL to prevent injection attacks?
- How do you implement field-level access control in GraphQL?
- What are best practices for securing subscriptions in GraphQL?
- How do you protect GraphQL APIs from introspection abuse?
- What tools do you use for security testing in GraphQL?
- How do you handle sensitive data exposure in GraphQL schemas?
Advanced GraphQL Concepts
- What is schema delegation, and when would you use it?
- How do you merge multiple GraphQL schemas?
- What are defer directives, and how do they improve user experience?
- Explain the purpose of GraphQL Live Queries.
- How do you design real-time collaboration features in GraphQL?
- How do you use stateful subscriptions in GraphQL?
- What are Apollo Federation and Gateway, and how do they facilitate microservices?
- How do you handle nested resolvers in GraphQL?
- What is GraphQL Mesh, and how does it unify APIs?
- How do you design multi-tenancy in GraphQL?
Testing GraphQL APIs
- How do you write unit tests for GraphQL resolvers?
- What tools are used for integration testing in GraphQL?
- How do you use mocking in Apollo Server for testing?
- Explain the purpose of schema validation in testing.
- How do you test GraphQL APIs for performance bottlenecks?
- What tools do you use to test GraphQL queries in the client?
- How do you handle snapshot testing in GraphQL?
- How do you test GraphQL subscriptions?
- What are best practices for error handling in GraphQL testing?
- How do you simulate complex query scenarios in testing?
Real-World Applications
- How do you design a GraphQL API for e-commerce platforms?
- How do you integrate GraphQL with React and Apollo Client?
- What are the challenges of implementing real-time chat with GraphQL?
- How do you optimize GraphQL APIs for mobile applications?
- What are the best practices for designing GraphQL APIs for analytics?
- How do you implement file management in GraphQL APIs?
- How do you design GraphQL APIs for IoT devices?
- What are best practices for handling large datasets in GraphQL?
- How do you integrate GraphQL APIs with serverless architectures?
- What tools do you use for managing GraphQL API documentation?
Future of GraphQL
- How do federated schemas shape the future of GraphQL?
- What are defer and stream directives, and how do they enhance GraphQL?
- How does GraphQL work with serverless functions?
- What is GraphQL over gRPC, and what are its benefits?
- How do you implement GraphQL as a backend-for-frontend (BFF)?
- How do you integrate GraphQL with DevOps pipelines?
- What are GraphQL Observability tools, and why are they important?
- How do you use AI/ML in GraphQL APIs?
- How does edge computing impact GraphQL APIs?
- What is the future of schema-less GraphQL?