Breathing Life into Designs: Exporting Figma Animations to Lottie and Beyond

sajjad hussain - May 23 - - Dev Community

Figma's animation capabilities have revolutionized the way designers prototype and showcase user interactions. But how do you translate those animations into usable formats for web development? This article explores exporting Figma animations to Lottie and other popular animation platforms, allowing you to bring your designs to life across various digital products.

Understanding Animation Export Options:

Figma offers several export options for your animations, each catering to different use cases:

• Lottie (.json): A widely adopted animation format based on JSON. Lottie animations are lightweight, versatile, and compatible with various platforms and libraries, making them ideal for web development and mobile app integration.

• GIF: A universally recognized image format that supports animation. GIFs are simple to use but can become bulky for complex animations, impacting website loading times.

• Video (.mp4): A common video format offering high fidelity for animations. However, video files can be large and might not be ideal for all use cases, especially in web development.

Choosing the Right Format:

The optimal export format hinges on your specific needs:

• For web development and mobile app integration: Lottie is the clear winner due to its lightweight nature, cross-platform compatibility, and performance benefits.

• For simple social media sharing or quick previews: GIF might suffice. However, be mindful of file size limitations on certain platforms.

• For high-fidelity presentations or offline viewing: Video offers excellent quality but consider the potential impact on file size and loading times.

Exporting Your Figma Animation:

1.Select Your Animation: Choose the frame sequence within your Figma design that represents the animation you want to export.

2.Access the Export Menu: Navigate to the "File" menu and select "Export" or use the keyboard shortcut (⌘ + E on Mac, Ctrl + E on Windows).

3.Choose Your Format: In the export window, select the desired format from the dropdown menu (Lottie JSON, GIF, or Video).

Additional Considerations When Exporting to Lottie:

• Frame Rate: Specify the desired frame rate for your animation. A higher frame rate results in smoother animations but increases file size.

• Animation Looping: Choose whether you want the animation to loop continuously or play only once.

• Advanced Options: Lottie offers advanced options for controlling playback speed, setting start and end points, and more. Explore these options for finer control over your exported animation.

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Lottie: Your Gateway to Diverse Animation Platforms

While Lottie itself isn't a standalone animation platform, it acts as a bridge to various platforms and libraries:

• Web Development Libraries: Integrate Lottie animations into your web projects using libraries like Lottie-Web or react-lottie.

• Mobile App Development: Utilize Lottie libraries for Android and iOS to incorporate animations within your mobile app.

• Design and Prototyping Tools: Many design and prototyping tools (like Adobe XD or InVision) support Lottie imports, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your animations into interactive prototypes.

Beyond Lottie: Exploring Other Animation Export Options

Although Lottie is a popular choice, other options exist:

• After Effects: For complex animations requiring advanced features and motion graphics, consider exporting from Adobe After Effects using plugins like Bodymovin, which can generate Lottie animations.

• Other Animation Tools: Dedicated animation tools like Adobe Animate or Toon Boom Harmony offer robust animation capabilities and export options tailored for specific use cases (e.g., video production, game development).


Figma empowers you to create engaging animations, and exporting them to the right format unlocks their potential across various platforms. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each export option, you can choose the best fit for your project. Lottie, with its versatility and performance benefits, stands out for web development and mobile app integration. But don't be afraid to explore other tools for specialized animation needs. Remember, the key is to select the format and platform that best suit your project requirements, breathing life into your Figma designs and captivating your audience.

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