Building Your Web App: A Guide to Setting Up Angular and Node.js on VMware

sajjad hussain - Apr 18 - - Dev Community

The dynamic duo of Angular and Node.js empowers developers to create robust and interactive web applications. VMware provides a versatile platform for hosting your development environment. This comprehensive guide walks you through the setup process for Angular and Node.js on a VMware Workstation Player or VMware Fusion virtual machine (VM).


  • VMware Workstation Player or VMware Fusion: Download and install the appropriate version of VMware for your operating system (Windows or macOS).

  • Base Operating System: Choose a suitable base operating system for your VM, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, or a lightweight Linux distribution like Fedora. Download the ISO image of your chosen OS.

  • Basic understanding of command line interface (CLI).

Creating a New Virtual Machine (VM):

  1. Launch VMware Workstation Player or VMware Fusion.

  2. Click "Create a New Virtual Machine."

  3. Select "Typical" (recommended) and click "Next."

  4. Choose "Installer disc image file (ISO)" and browse to your downloaded base OS ISO file. Click "Next."

  5. Specify a name and location for your VM.

  6. Allocate RAM (Memory): Allocate a sufficient amount of RAM for your development environment. A minimum of 4 GB is recommended, but 8 GB or more is ideal for a smoother experience.

  7. Hard Disk: Choose "Create a virtual disk now" and select "Single disk (recommended)." Allocate a suitable disk size for your VM. 20 GB or more is recommended for development purposes.

  8. Review Settings and Finish: Double-check your VM configuration and click "Finish" to create the virtual machine.

Installing the Base Operating System:

  1. Power on your newly created VM.

  2. The VM will boot from the downloaded ISO image. Follow the on-screen instructions to install your chosen base operating system.

  3. During installation, choose an appropriate username and password for your VM.

  4. Once the installation is complete, the VM will automatically reboot.

Updating and Securing the System:

  1. Login to your VM using the credentials you created during installation.

  2. Update the package manager: Use the appropriate command for your chosen Linux distribution (e.g., sudo apt update for Ubuntu/Debian).

  3. Install basic development tools: Utilize your package manager to install essential development tools like git, curl, build-essential, and nodejs (may vary depending on distribution).

  4. Secure your VM: Implement basic security measures like setting up a firewall and enabling automatic updates for your operating system.

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Installing Node.js:

There are two primary methods for installing Node.js on your VM:

Method 1: Using a Package Manager (Recommended):

  1. Update package lists: Run the update command for your package manager.

  2. Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager): Use the appropriate command for your distribution (e.g., sudo apt install nodejs npm for Ubuntu/Debian).

Method 2: Installing from Source (Optional):

  1. Download the latest Node.js installer from the official website:

  2. Upload the installer to your VM.

  3. Open a terminal in your VM and navigate to the directory containing the installer.

  4. Run the installer script with appropriate permissions (refer to Node.js documentation for specific commands).

Verifying Node.js and npm Installation:

  1. Open a terminal in your VM.

  2. Type node -v and press Enter. This should display the installed Node.js version.

  3. Type npm -v and press Enter. This should display the installed npm version.

Installing Angular CLI:

  • Open a terminal in your VM.

  • Run the following command to install Angular CLI globally:

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Verifying Angular CLI Installation:

  • Open a terminal in your VM.

  • Type ng --version and press Enter. This should display the installed Angular CLI version.

Creating an Angular Project:

  1. Open a terminal in your VM and navigate to the desired directory for your project.

  2. Run the following command to create a new Angular project:

ng new my-angular-app
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Replace "my-angular-app" with your preferred project name.

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