Tips for 16-Hour Fasting

Ido Green - Mar 31 '23 - - Dev Community

Fasting is a popular dieting technique involving abstaining from food for a specific time. 16-hour Fasting is a form of intermittent Fasting, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during the remaining 8 hours. This type of Fasting has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it can help with weight loss and improve overall health.

I’ve been doing it for the past ~20 years as it felt natural to skip breakfast and stick with coffee.

Here are some tips to help you get started with it:

Prepare Ahead of Time

The key to successful 16-hour Fasting is preparation. Before you start, ensure you have healthy foods you can eat during your eating window. Stock up on nutritious and filling foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This will help you stay full and energized during your fasting period.

Psst… can help you find health products in the grocery store.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is essential when fasting. Drinking plenty of water will help keep you full and prevent dehydration. You can also drink unsweetened tea and coffee, which will help you feel energized and alert.

I’m starting the days with espresso (or two), so I’m drinking water with it.

Choose the Right Time

When deciding when to start your 16-hour fasting period, choosing a time that works best for your lifestyle is essential. For example, it’s best to start your fast in the morning if you have a busy day ahead, and this will help you stay focused and energized throughout the day. Another benefit is that you pass the vast majority of the hours during your sleep.

Listen to Your Body

Fasting can be challenging, so it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your fasting schedule accordingly. If you’re feeling fatigued or weak during your fasting period, having a snack or two is okay, and make sure to stick to healthy, nutrient-dense foods.

The Benefits and Risks of 16-Hour Fasting

16-hour Fasting can offer many potential benefits, including weight loss, blood sugar levels, and heart health.

However, it’s also essential to be aware of the potential risks.

Some risks associated with 16-hour Fasting include dehydration, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies. It’s also important to note that Fasting can be difficult and may only be suitable for some. Before starting a 16-hour fasting regimen, it’s necessary to consult with your doctor to make sure it’s right for you.

Go Deep(er)

I listen to this episode of the “Huberman Bab with Dr. Satchin Panda: Intermittent Fasting to Improve Health, Cognition & Longevity”

The main points

  • Coffee is good for you, especially in the morning. Taking it as an espresso or black coffee does not signal the start of the eating window.
  • Mouse studies show that time-restricted eating leads to weight loss. He also mentioned other studies (on humans) that show that restricting your eating window to 6 hours (vs. 12 hours) improves overall health.
  • A sleep-deprived brain tricks us into thinking we’re hungrier than we are and slows our decision-making ability regarding food. In other words, don’t trust yourself about what/how much/when to eat when you are tired. Try to ‘just’ go to bed and sleep. Another option is to eat something (to avoid being too hungry) and fall asleep faster.
  • During sleep (not the light phase but in the first 2-3h), we produce growth hormone that helps repair damaged cells. Sleeping less gives us less growth hormone to repair our cells. It’s critical for athletes (and anyone active and wishes to improve their physical performance) – That’s why so many coaches will tell you to sleep more and always at the same hour.
  • If you consume too much caffeine (late in the day) – You won’t sleep well. Moreover, it will be harder for you to fall asleep.
  • D’r Satchin has found that while practicing time-restricted eating, many people see an improvement in their food digestion and sleep.

Good luck.

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