Date::Holidays 1.10 released

Jonas Brømsø - Nov 26 '18 - - Dev Community

Release 1.08 of Date::Holidays had some issues with the test suite, which resulted in numerous failure reports from CPAN-testers, please see issue #21 for details.

This resulted in release 1.09, which addressed the problem with the bad tests. At the same time it however demonstrated issues with the integration towards Date::Holidays::NZ and Date::Holidays::SK, so issues #22 and #23 was created respectively.

Issue #22 has now been addressed in release 1.10 and next up is 1.11, which is planned to address issue #23 unless something else comes up.

The adaptation of Date::Holidays::NZ also supports the regional parameter described in: Date::Holidays::NZ.

So checking if New Years Day is a holiday in New Zealand, via Date::Holidays:

use Date::Holidays;

my $dh = Date::Holidays->new( countrycode => 'nz' );

if ($dh->is_holiday(year => 2018, month => 1, day => 1) {
   print It is\n;

And in particular for the region of Auckland (see Date::Holidays::NZ for details).

use Date::Holidays;

my $dh = Date::Holidays->new( countrycode => 'nz' );

if ($dh->is_holiday(year => 2018, month => 1, day => 1, region => 2) {        
   print In Auckland it is\n;

You can also get a list of holidays:

use Date::Holidays;
use Data::Dumper;

my $dh = Date::Holidays->new( countrycode => 'nz' );
my $holidays_hashref = $dh->holidays(year => 2018);

print STDERR Dumper $holidays_hashref;

$VAR1 = {
   '0206' => 'Waitangi Day',
   '0402' => 'Easter Monday',
   '0102' => 'Day after New Years Day',
   '1022' => 'Labour Day',
   '1226' => 'Boxing Day',
   '1225' => 'Christmas Day',
   '0330' => 'Good Friday',
   '0425' => 'ANZAC Day',
   '0604' => 'Queens Birthday',
   '0101' => 'New Years Day'

And based on region:

use Date::Holidays;
use Data::Dumper;

my $dh = Date::Holidays->new( countrycode => 'nz' );

my $holidays_hashref = $dh->holidays(year => 2018, region => 2);

print STDERR Dumper $holidays_hashref;

$VAR1 = {
   '0129' => 'Auckland Anniversary Day',
   '1022' => 'Labour Day',
   '0101' => 'New Years Day',
   '0402' => 'Easter Monday',
   '1225' => 'Christmas Day',
   '0330' => 'Good Friday',
   '1226' => 'Boxing Day',
   '0102' => 'Day after New Years Day',
   '0425' => 'ANZAC Day',
   '0206' => 'Waitangi Day',
   '0604' => 'Queens Birthday'

Feedback most welcome,


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