Release 0.9.0 of Spellcheck (GitHub) Action

Jonas Brømsø - Jan 30 '21 - - Dev Community

Release 0.9.0 of the Spellcheck Action has made it to the marketplace - pretty unannounced, but this year is of to a very hectic (in the best sense) start, with a lot of open source activity and I am a, bit behind on some of the stuff I want to do when it comes to releases.

The release contains a contribution from Pavel Skipenes and it implements the capability of specifying a custom configuration path.

The default of the spellcheck action is to have the configuration in the root directory of the repository. When I took over the role of maintainer I applied several changes so at least the configuration file could be make invisible. (files prefixed with the .)

The spellcheck looks for configuration files in the following order:

  1. .spellcheck.yml
  2. .spellcheck.yaml
  3. spellcheck.yml
  4. spellcheck.yaml (the old default)

With the contribution from Pavel you can specify:

config_path: config/.spellcheck.yml # put path to configuration file here
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Specifying an alternative path to the configuration file.

A complete configuration could look as follows:

name: Spellcheck Action
on: push
    name: Spellcheck
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - uses: rojopolis/spellcheck-github-actions@master
      name: Spellcheck
        config_path: config/.spellcheck.yml # put path to configuration file here
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So instead of filling up the root directory of your repository, you can push a less significant configuration file to a sub-directory - which is great and very much in line with the hiding of the files, which are just helpers to your project, not core-project files.

Unfortunately we experienced a minor mishap in the handling of the review process, so a proposed documentation change did not make it into release 0.9.0, so 0.9.1 followed just after.

Thanks to Pavel Skipenes for his contribution.

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