Release 0.35.0 of Spellcheck (GitHub) Action - another maintenance release

Jonas Brømsø - Nov 16 '23 - - Dev Community

Today I have released version 0.35.0 of the GitHub Action for doing spelling checking of your documentation etc. for which I am the current maintainer.

This release was prompted by several updates.

  • Docker base image bumped to Python 3.12.0

Which resulted in updates to several of the dependencies used by the core component PySpelling.

In addition I am looking into the long over due decommissioning of several older releases. They can always be rebuilt from source on GitHub, but there is no need to keep the Docker image artifacts around.

The relevant versions are:

  • 0.21.1
  • 0.22.0
  • 0.22.1
  • 0.23.0
  • 0.23.1
  • 0.23.2
  • 0.24.0
  • 0.25.0
  • 0.26.0
  • 0.27.0
  • 0.28.0

The sunset policy is outlined in the repository wiki.

I am locating projects using these and evaluating whether a PR should be made.

I find some interesting forks of the repository itself, where I consider inquiring with the owner if they have changes that I could lift upstream.

For the man forks and forks of forks of other repositories, I think I will just ignore them.

  • They can update from upstream (I check if upstream is up to date for forks, but not forks of forks)
  • Or they could start using Dependabot or similar, some do but have dormant PRs.

Software requires maintenance, just like this action. These releases are not so exciting, but they are necessary in order to be relevant.

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