Release 0.26.0 of Spellcheck (GitHub) Action - a maintenance release updating core component

Jonas Brømsø - Aug 5 '22 - - Dev Community

Over the summer PySpelling has been updated to version 2.8, due to minor issue it was swiftly followed by 2.8.1. See the release history for PySpelling

This release of the GitHub Spellcheck Action bumps the version of PySpelling from version 2.7.3 to version 2.8.1 so we are up to date.

Even though the releases of the action, might trigger several PRs via Dependabot etc. I believe that it is better to make baby steps, when maintaining and releasing this software.

Two more improvements are shaping up, more on this, when they are ready.

The 0.15.0 and 0.16.0 versions are announced to be sunsetted.

The idea of moving to a less frequent release cycle and a 1.0.0 release is also moving closer, with the project maturing.

Please feel free to open issues and/or PRs, all contributions are welcome.

Change log for release 0.26.0

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