Release 0.3.0 of my Perl Dist::Zilla GitHub Action

Jonas Brømsø - Sep 6 '22 - - Dev Community

I have just made a release of github-action-perl-dist-zilla
making version 0.3.0 available in the GitHub Marketplace.

The release is long over due and the first in two years. I have kept the project trunk up to date based on my trusty friend Dependabot, but nothing really warranted a release. It was not until I received a PR from Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior aka glasswalk3r, that things got rolling.

I was actually able to lure Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior into contributing to the base image used by the action - Ebirah

Ebirah is a Docker encapsulation of the magnificent Dist::Zilla distribution tool for Perl distributions, but more in that in another post on the release of Ebirah 0.7.0, which also made it into this release. This action is built on top of Ebirah, so of you read my release notes for Ebirah, you can see that perhaps more releases were warranted had Ebirah had more frequent releases.

I primary created this action for my self and I am currently using it for 6 of my own repositories/Perl distributions and I just discovered that I have two users beside myself - hurrah.

PRs, requests, issues etc. are always most welcome.

Thanks to glasswalk3r for his contribution.

The collected release notes are included below.

0.3.0 2022-09-03 Feature release, update not required

  • Bumped Ebirah requirement from version 0.6.0 to 0.7.0. Please see Ebirah change log for details

  • This release holds a set of enhancements by @glasswalk3r via PR: #22

    • Allows repositories that does not have a cpanfile to have their dependencies installed
    • Does optional configuration of the CPAN client, since it might be required by some distributions
    • Changed to use of Bash, since it is available in the Docker image
    • Fixed entry point so it can be tested outside GitHub eco-system

REF: GitHub

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