Exploring Invisible Columns in MySQL 8 and Laravel

Muhammad Saim - Apr 29 - - Dev Community

Invisible columns, a new concept introduced in MySQL 8, offer an additional layer of security and control over sensitive data. When executing a SELECT * query, invisible columns are not retrieved by default. Instead, you must explicitly specify them in the SELECT statement. This ensures that sensitive information such as passwords, tokens, API keys, and payment-related data remains protected.

MySQL 8: Introduction to Invisible Columns

In MySQL 8, invisible columns are columns that are not included in the result set of a SELECT * query unless explicitly specified. This feature enhances data security by preventing the accidental exposure of sensitive information.

To create an invisible column in MySQL 8, you can use the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN column_name datatype INVISIBLE;
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For example, to make the password column invisible in the users table:

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Now, when you run a SELECT * query on the users table, the password column will not be retrieved unless explicitly specified in the SELECT statement.

Laravel: Supporting Invisible Columns

Laravel, a popular PHP framework, has introduced support for invisible columns, making it easier to work with sensitive data in your applications.

Here's an example of defining an invisible column in a Laravel migration:

use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
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In this example, we're making the password column invisible in the users table.

$user = User::first();
$user->$password // this will return null
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To retrieve the value of an invisible column in Laravel, you must explicitly specify it in the SELECT statement. Here's how you can do it:

$user = User::select('password')->first();
$password = $user->password; // returns the password
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This ensures that sensitive information is accessed only when explicitly requested, reducing the risk of accidental exposure.


Invisible columns in MySQL 8 and Laravel offer a powerful way to enhance data security and control over sensitive information. By making sensitive columns invisible, you can prevent accidental exposure of sensitive data and ensure that it is accessed only when necessary.

Whether you're working with passwords, tokens, API keys, or payment-related data, leveraging invisible columns can help you build more secure and reliable applications.

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