Laravel Relationship Recipes: Simplify Querying with oldestOfMany

Muhammad Saim - May 12 - - Dev Community

Laravel Relationship Recipes: Simplify Querying with oldestOfMany

Welcome back to our Laravel Relationship Recipes series! Today, we're introducing a special relationship method called oldestOfMany, designed to simplify querying for the oldest model in a hasMany relationship.

Understanding the Scenario

Consider the scenario where you have an Employee model with a hasMany relationship to Paycheck models. You constantly need to retrieve the oldest paycheck for each employee.

Introducing the oldestOfMany Method

Instead of writing custom queries every time, you can create a relationship method for it in your Employee model:

class Employee extends Model
    public function oldestPaycheck()
        return $this->hasOne(Paycheck::class)->oldestOfMany();
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By using the hasOne method and chaining oldestOfMany, Laravel will automatically retrieve the oldest paycheck for each employee.

class Employee extends Model
    public function paychecks()
        return $this->hasMany(Paycheck::class);

    public function oldestPaycheck()
        return $this->hasOne(Paycheck::class)->oldestOfMany();
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It's important to note that the oldestOfMany method relies on auto-increment IDs to determine the oldest model. If you're using UUIDs as foreign keys, this method won't work as expected.


The oldestOfMany method in Laravel Eloquent relationships provides a convenient way to retrieve the oldest model in a hasMany relationship without the need for custom queries. By leveraging this method, you can simplify your code and improve maintainability.

Stay tuned for more Laravel Relationship Recipes in this series, where we'll continue to explore useful methods for working with Eloquent relationships!

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