Laravel Relationship Recipes: Leveraging Custom Logic with ofMany

Muhammad Saim - May 14 - - Dev Community

Laravel Relationship Recipes: Leveraging Custom Logic with ofMany

Welcome back to our Laravel Relationship Recipes series! Today, we're exploring the versatile ofMany relationship method in Laravel Eloquent, which allows you to incorporate custom logic when querying related models.

Understanding the Scenario

Consider a scenario where you have a Post model with a like_count attribute, and you want to retrieve the post with the highest number of likes. Instead of writing custom queries every time, you can utilize the ofMany method to achieve this.

Introducing the ofMany Method with Custom Logic

In your Post model, you can define a relationship method mostPopularPost as follows:

public function mostPopularPost()
    return $this->hasOne(Post::class)
                ->ofMany('like_count', 'max');
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By using the ofMany method and specifying the like_count attribute along with the aggregation function max, Laravel will automatically retrieve the post with the highest like_count.

Custom Logic Possibilities

The ofMany method opens up various possibilities for incorporating custom logic into your relationships. Whether you need to retrieve the oldest, newest, or most popular model based on specific attributes, you can leverage this method to streamline your code and improve readability.


The ofMany relationship method in Laravel Eloquent provides a powerful way to incorporate custom logic when querying related models. By utilizing this method, you can avoid writing repetitive custom queries and maintain cleaner, more maintainable code.

Stay tuned for more Laravel Relationship Recipes in this series, where we'll continue to explore useful methods for working with Eloquent relationships!

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