Laravel Relationship Recipes: Simplifying Queries with whereBelongsTo

Muhammad Saim - May 11 - - Dev Community

Laravel Relationship Recipes: Simplifying Queries with whereBelongsTo

Welcome back to our Laravel Relationship Recipes series! Today, we'll explore the whereBelongsTo method in Laravel Eloquent relationships, a powerful tool for simplifying queries involving belongs-to relationships.

Understanding the Scenario

Consider the following scenario: you have an Order model that belongs to a User, and you want to retrieve the total amount of orders for a specific user.

Introducing the whereBelongsTo Method

Traditionally, you might write a query like this:

public function index(User $user)
    $sum = Order::where('user_id', $user->id)
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However, Laravel provides a more elegant solution with the whereBelongsTo method:

public function index(User $user)
    $sum = Order::whereBelongsTo($user)
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Explaining the Method

The whereBelongsTo method simplifies querying by automatically resolving the foreign key based on the relationship between the models. In this case, it finds the user_id column in the Order model that corresponds to the id of the provided User.


The whereBelongsTo method in Laravel Eloquent relationships offers a cleaner and more expressive way to query related models, particularly in scenarios involving belongs-to relationships. By leveraging this method, you can simplify your code and improve readability, leading to more maintainable applications.

Stay tuned for more Laravel Relationship Recipes in this series, where we'll continue to explore useful methods for working with Eloquent relationships!

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