Laravel Relationship Recipes: Simplify Querying with hasManyThrough

Muhammad Saim - May 15 - - Dev Community

Laravel Relationship Recipes: Simplify Querying with hasManyThrough

In today's edition of Laravel Relationship Recipes, we'll explore the hasManyThrough relationship method, a powerful feature that simplifies querying related models through an intermediate model.

Understanding the Scenario

Consider a scenario where you have three models: Department, Employee, and Paycheck. Each department has multiple employees, and each employee has multiple paychecks. To retrieve all the paychecks within a department, you can utilize the hasManyThrough relationship.

Introducing the hasManyThrough Method

In your Department model, you can define a paychecks relationship using hasManyThrough:

class Department extends Model
    public function employees(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Employee::class);

    public function paychecks(): HasManyThrough
        return $this->hasManyThrough(Paycheck::class, Employee::class);
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The hasManyThrough method takes two arguments: the related model (Paycheck in this case) and the intermediate model (Employee). With this relationship in place, you can now easily retrieve all the paychecks within a department.

Simplifying Querying

Instead of writing complex nested queries, you can now simply use the paychecks relationship on the Department model:

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This concise syntax makes querying related models a breeze, improving code readability and maintainability.


The hasManyThrough relationship in Laravel Eloquent provides a convenient way to query related models through an intermediate model. By leveraging this method, you can streamline your code and simplify complex querying scenarios.

Stay tuned for more Laravel Relationship Recipes in this series, where we'll continue to explore useful methods for working with Eloquent relationships!

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