Originally published at Perl Weekly 695
A month from now Randal Schwartz is going to give a presentation with the title "Half My Life with Perl". I tried to come up with a clever title for this issue of the newsletter that would reflect that title and I had to realize that I have been using Perl also for half of my life. It is probably similar for quite a lot of people in the hard-core of the Perl communities. Many have moved on to other languages. Some of those still have a nostalgic feeling for their 'first love' in the 'good old days'.
It is sad to see the decline in popularity. I remember the time when we had several conferences and workshops every year and hundreds of active Perl Monger groups with tens of monthly meetings around the world. Long before Meetup became a thing. Now there are only 18 groups listed and seeing the list of events at the bottom of this newsletter it seems only 3 or 4 are active.
The readership of this newsletter has also declined from a peak of 6,443 subscribers in May 2018 to 4,398 today.
But not all is lost. There are still people working on Perl as you can see from the grants. There are still people uploading libraries to CPAN as you can see from the recent report. There are still some people writing about Perl. There are still some companies using Perl.
Have a nice week!
Your editor: Gabor Szabo.
Randal Schwartz: Half My Life with Perl
As part of year 25 of The Perl Advent Calendar, Perl luminary and co-author of O'Reilly's "Learning Perl" Randal Schwartz will be giving a presentation entitled "Half My Life with Perl". The presentation takes place on Saturday, Dec 14, 2024.
A link site of your very own
Another personal project of Dave that made it to CPAN as well. Think about it as a LinkTree clone. reddit
Transitioning from Catalyst to Mojo, question about the model
Editing Perl Plug-in For Logitech Media Server
Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook) September 2024
Maintaining Perl 5 Core (Dave Mitchell): October 2024
Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook) August 2024
PEVANS Core Perl 5: Grant Report for October 2024
This week in PSC (168) | 2024-11-15 | Perl Steering Council
The Weekly Challenge
The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.
The Weekly Challenge - 296
Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "String Compression" and "Matchstick Square". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.
RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 295
Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Word Break" and "Jump Game" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.
Break the Jump
Trying different approaches until you end up with one that gives the expected result. Thanks for sharing behind the scene story.
Taking A Break From All Your Worries
Clever regex magic is used to get the job done. Smart move, keep it up.
Jumping Words
Simply love the compact solution with lots of magic. Cutest contributions, well done.
loops and substitutions
Welcome back and thanks for sharing knowledge with us every week. My all time favourite is PostgreSQL solution. Keep it up great work.
Perl Weekly Challenge 295
Curious to know the benefit of the use of Memoize in the one-liner. Keep it up great work.
Jump, but Don't Break the Game
Interesting comparison of CPAN module and homemade logic. Pick your choice.
Spaced out jumps
Another good show of recursion where it does the job every efficiently. Keep up the great work.
The Weekly Challenge #295
Cool use of subroutine signature and recursive. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us every week.
Jump and Break
Demo of breadth-first search pattern in Raku for you. Highly recommended.
The Break Game
From Perl and Python expert, here we have mix of both. Easy narrative to follow, keep up great work.
Chemometrics with Perl & Pharmaceutical Applications
Weekly collections
NICEPERL's lists
Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report;
StackOverflow Perl report.
The corner of Gabor
A couple of entries sneaked in by Gabor.
Improving the (software) development process
This seems to be a generic problem regardless of the programming language, though I wonder how does the age of the programming language and the traditions of the Open Source communities around the language impact this.
Purdue Perl Mongers
December 11, 2024, Virtual event
Boston.pm monthly meeting
December 11, 2024, Virtual event
Randal Schwartz: Half My Life with Perl
December 14, 2024, Virtual event
Perl Community Conference
December 18, 2024, Virtual
Toronto.pm December Social
December 19, 2024, In Person Event
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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.