7 App Ideas to Build At Work (and 7 to Build At Home)

Nahrin Jalal - May 6 '20 - - Dev Community

It isn’t easy navigating through uncertainty. But nothing happens in isolation, and even when we’re apart, it’s essential we find ways to bring us together. More than ever, we need each other to help us through these unprecedented times. We have to stay connected by using the tools out there—and when required, build our own solutions. Below you’ll find 14 exciting ideas that we hope will help you create or enhance communications between you and your peers, loved ones, or clients.

Ideas for Work

Build a Secure Video Appointments Application Using Vonage API

In today’s world, video is an essential and powerful tool for many use cases: whether you’re remotely joining a classroom, consulting with your doctor, or even sharing your whereabouts in an emergency. In a few simple steps, you can create video appointments, send a message with an appointment link to the participants, and start a video conversation.

Transcribe a Conference Call Using Amazon Transcribe and Vonage

If you’re like me, you spend quite a lot of time in conference calls and often need to refer back to what was said in those calls. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have them transcribed automatically so that you can revisit them at your leisure?

Translate SMS Messages With IBM Watson and Vonage

Translating incoming text messages can help break down communication barriers and help you reach a broader audience. Learn how to do so with IBM Watson, AWS Translate, or the Google Translation API.

Sentiment Analysis using IBM Watson Tone Analyzer in PHP

In a world where data and text often take a front-row seat, it is increasingly important to understand the sentiment of communications we send and receive. A Tone Analyzer helps bridge the gap between what we say and what we mean.

Building a Real-Time .NET Transcription Service

Building speech to text transcription services has never been more straightforward.

How to Launch Video Meetings in Slack with Vonage

This integration offers an easy way to launch a customized live video experience on Slack for end-users, without ever having to leave the workspace.

Build a Video Conversation Platform for Online Gatherings With Nuxt.js

During a time where many events are going online, one challenge community organizers face is how to facilitate conversations between attendees during breaks and after talks have ended. In this tutorial, learn how to build an application in which events have their own lobbies with multiple conversation tables.

Ideas for Home

Sending Group Notifications with Google Sheets and Node-RED

Quickly send out urgent notifications to a list of Google Sheet contacts with a Node-RED flow and the Vonage SMS API.

Build a Family Hotline with Vonage

Have you ever had to fill out an important contact form and noticed it only had one slot for a phone number? What happens if you give them your details and you’re unavailable? Learn how to set up a phone number capable of forwarding calls between two contact numbers or to both!

Building a Turkey Timer with Laravel, Facebook Messenger and Vonage

Streamline meal preparation for your family with this app that retrieves the list of steps your recipes require and sends you the next step when it’s time to do it. You can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything in the kitchen is under control, and when it’s time for human intervention, you’ll be notified!

Build a Family Stand Up App with Vonage

Stay better connected with your family (wherever in the world they may be) by reporting weekly highs and lows into one consolidated place to view.

Snapchat Style Filters with Tracking.js and Vonage

Be Batman or just freak some people out. In this guide, you’ll learn to add facial tracking using Tracking.js and create some cool Snapchat style filters for a video stream.

Build a Health Blog With Video Coaching Using Preact.js and Vonage

Track your health by creating a blog to report daily activity, diet, energy levels, mood and more. Share your app with any professionals you work with (personal trainer, nutritionist, therapist) and receive live video coaching directly on the app.

I See What You’re Saying: Sentiment Analysis With Azure Face API and Vonage

Learn how to build a multi-party video conference that analyzes the sentiment of each participant based on their facial expression.

Get More From Vonage

We’ve shared several posts on getting started with Vonage, but there’s so much more that can be done.

The post 7 App Ideas to Build At Work (and 7 to Build At Home) appeared first on Vonage Developer Blog.

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