More Photos of AWS COMMUNITY DAY in China (Shen Zhen)
AWS business culture:
- Innovation for customer’s needs
- Reinvent for customer’s needs
- Ownership (you build it, you operate it)
- 2 pizza team for fast innovation, flexible
- Two way communication with customer (Developer, Operator directly face customers)
- Customer feedback for upgrade, security, developer
- Fastly innovative for fulfill customer needed
- Accept failure
- AWS helps start up focus on innovation
- developer don't need to manage infrastructure
AWS innovation example:
- Drone & robots delivery
- satellite
- Security identity & detection (eSports tickets)
- Amazon Store
- Gobel cloud infrastructure (240 services, 12000 ISV partners on AWS marketspace)
- Support developer, operator between different industries
- Mico services
- Customer needed Fastly be a innovation
Generative AI Example:
- Alexa talk
- Product list suggestions for selling
- tailor-made adv content
- customer feedback review
- Amazon Go (Payment POC end device)
- AI chatbot for easy to read medical info
Amazon Q:
- Quicksight
- Connect for e-commerce
- Help Developer coding & researching
Danny Chan, AWS community builder (Hong Kong), specialty of FSI and Serverless
Kenny Chan, AWS community builder (Hong Kong), specialty of FSI and Machine Learning