Monthly Amazon Location Service Updates - 2022.01
I've started to compile a list of updates for the Amazon Location Service. Since this is the first time, I'd like to introduce the updates for 2021.
2021 Updates
Amazon Location Service is now generally available
The Amazon Location Service, a preview version, was officially released to the public in June 2021.
Announcing General Availability of Amplify Geo for AWS Amplify
Amplify Geo, an easier way to build Amazon Location Service was officially released to the general public in September 2021.
Amazon Location Service adds change detection to tracking
Tracking now includes the ability to compare before and after location information and adopt only significant location changes.
Amazon Location Service adds new capabilities to help customers better filter geographical search results
Geocoding now includes filtering functions such as searching by closest location.
Amazon Location adds Suggestion capability
The SuggestionsAPI has been added to geocoding to allow for autocomplete functionality.
2022.01 Updates
Amazon Location Service enables request-based pricing for all customer use cases
The scope of request-based pricing support has been increased.
Announcing matrix routing for Amazon Location Service
The Matrix Routing feature has been added to Routing to allow multiple routes to be searched with a single API request.
Amplify Geo - Geofences
Amplify Geo now includes Geofences in the preview version.
Other Info
Amazon Location Service Developer Guide
Official Amazon Location Service Documentation.
Amplify Geo Docs
Official Amplify Geo Docs.
Amazon Location Service Samples
Official Amazon Location Service samples.
Build environment to get started with Amazon Location Service.
A Summary of How to Build Amplify Geo and Amazon Location Service
Summary of Amazon Location Service and Amplify Geo. (as of December 2021)
Articles on Amazon Location Service.
tags - Amazon Location Service
tags - Try
Notes on Amazon Location Service. (Japanese)