I found such a log in LightDM log (/var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log
WARNING: Error getting user list from org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Accounts was not provided by any .service files
It means the system lacked D-Bus AccountsService of freedesktop.org.
This is my Artix (Arch-based) Linux output:
$ pacman -Ss accountsservice
world/accountsservice 0.6.55-3
D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation
extra/accountsservice 0.6.55-3
D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation
I installed the package:
$ doas pacman -Sy accountsservice
then reboot and the warning (error) log had gone ☺