A review of this week's APIs: Amazon Android Apps Lookup, tencent myapp top charts and Ad Fraud

World In Data - May 15 '23 - - Dev Community

In keeping with our weekly routine, we will introduce three new APIs to you. We have chosen a diverse range of data topics for this round-up of APIs. The purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs will be analyzed. Worldindata's Marketplace for Data and APIs has more information on the APIs if you would like to learn more. Let's start now!

Amazon Android Apps Lookup API made by 42 Matters

The Amazon Android Apps Lookup API provided by 42 Matters is a powerful tool for finding Android apps that match a specified Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) on the Amazon Appstore. The main purpose of this API is to retrieve full details about the app, including its title, developer name, version number, category, price, user ratings, reviews, and more. With this information, e-commerce platforms, mobile app marketplaces, app marketers, mobile app developers, consumer analysis platforms, app testers, advertisers, and other clients can improve their services and better understand their customers' needs.

One of the primary client types that use the data from the Amazon Android Apps Lookup API is e-commerce platforms. These platforms often rely on app recommendations and reviews to help customers find products and services they are interested in. With this API, they can access detailed information about Android apps available on the Amazon Appstore, which can help them make informed decisions about which apps to recommend to their users. Similarly, mobile app marketplaces can use this API to offer better app discovery experiences for their users.

In addition to e-commerce platforms and mobile app marketplaces, a range of other sectors also use the Amazon Android Apps Lookup API. These include mobile app development, app and marketing analysis, advertisement, and more. For example, mobile app developers can use the API to gather intelligence about competitor apps and identify potential partners. App testers can use the API to ensure that apps are compatible with the latest versions of Android and other devices. Advertisers can use the API to target specific audiences and optimize their campaigns. Overall, the Amazon Android Apps Lookup API provides valuable data to a wide range of clients across multiple industries.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/v2.0/amazon/android/apps/lookup.json

Filters: asin, fields and callback

42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API

The Tencent MyApp Top Charts API provided by 42 Matters is a powerful tool for retrieving the top charts from Tencent MyApp for a specific date. The main purpose of this API is to help clients gain insights into the most popular mobile apps in China's app market. With this information, e-commerce and gaming platforms, mobile app development companies, app and marketing analysis firms, and advertisers can better understand market trends, identify opportunities for growth, and make informed decisions about their business strategies.

One of the primary industries that use the Tencent MyApp Top Charts API is e-commerce and gaming platforms. These platforms often rely on app recommendations and reviews to help users discover new products and services. With this API, they can access detailed information about the most popular mobile apps in China's app market and make informed decisions about which apps to feature on their platforms. Similarly, mobile game development companies can use this API to identify trends in mobile gaming and create games that are tailored to the needs and preferences of Chinese consumers.

In addition to e-commerce and gaming platforms, a range of other industries also use the Tencent MyApp Top Charts API. These include mobile app development, app and marketing analysis, advertisement, and more. For example, app marketers can use the API to identify new opportunities for user acquisition and engagement. App testers can use the API to ensure that their apps are compatible with the most popular apps in China's app market. Advertisers can use the API to target specific audiences and optimize their campaigns. Overall, the Tencent MyApp Top Charts API provides valuable data to a wide range of clients across multiple industries.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/v2.0/tencent/android/apps/top_myapp_charts.json

Filters: cat_key, country, lang, app_country, limit, page, date, fields and callback

Ad Fraud API by Pixalate

The ad fraud API provided by Pixalate is a powerful tool used by e-commerce platforms, digital advertisers, marketers, adtech platforms, and other clients to detect and prevent ad fraud. The main purpose of the data is to request Pixalate's servers to retrieve the probability (risk score) and determine if a user's IP, DeviceID, or User-Agent is compromised or performing malicious activity. With this information, clients can prevent ad fraud, protect their advertising budgets, and ensure that their ads are being served to legitimate users.

One of the primary client types that use the ad fraud API data is e-commerce platforms. These platforms often rely on digital advertising to drive traffic to their websites and increase sales. With the ad fraud API, they can detect and prevent fraudulent activity, such as click fraud, impression fraud, and bot traffic, which can help them protect their advertising budgets and improve their ROI. Similarly, digital advertisers and marketers can use this data to ensure that their ads are being served to legitimate users and improve their targeting and ad performance.

In addition to e-commerce platforms and digital advertisers, a range of other industries also use the ad fraud API data. These include adtech, marketing, and fraud detection. For example, adtech platforms can use this data to prevent fraudulent activity and improve their ad verification processes. Marketing agencies can use this data to improve their targeting and optimize their campaigns. Fraud detection companies can use this data to identify and prevent ad fraud across multiple channels. Overall, the ad fraud API data provided by Pixalate is an essential tool for anyone involved in digital advertising and fraud prevention.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/v2/fraud

Filters: pretty, ip and deviceId

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