The weekly API round up: App Reviews For Ios, App Review Analysis For Ios and app store app rank history

World In Data - May 1 '23 - - Dev Community

This week, we will offer you an introduction to three new APIs. For our weekly API roundup, we have chosen these data sources and we hope you will enjoy them. The purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs will be closely explored. Complete details about these APIs are available on, a third-party data marketplace. Let us begin now!

App Reviews For Ios API made by 42 Matters

The 42 Matters iOS app reviews API is designed to provide mobile app developers, consumer analysis platforms, app testers, marketers, advertisers, and other client types with comprehensive app review data for any iOS app available on the Apple App Store. The main purpose of the API is to help these clients make data-driven decisions by providing them with access to the most up-to-date and accurate information about user reviews for specific apps. By leveraging the API, clients can quickly and easily obtain insights about user sentiment, app performance, and user behavior to optimize their marketing strategies, improve their app development processes, and enhance the user experience.

The 42 Matters iOS app reviews API is widely used across many industries, including mobile app development, app and marketing analysis, consumer behavior analysis, advertisement, digital distribution, and more. By providing clients with access to detailed app review data, the API enables them to gain a deeper understanding of user sentiment and preferences, identify trends and patterns in user behavior, and track the performance of their apps over time. This information can be used to make informed decisions about app development and marketing strategies, optimize user engagement and retention, and improve the overall user experience.

The API is particularly valuable for mobile app developers, who can use it to track user feedback and sentiment about their apps, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions about future updates and enhancements. Additionally, marketers and advertisers can leverage the API to gain insights about user behavior and preferences, optimize their ad targeting strategies, and improve user engagement and conversion rates. Overall, the 42 Matters iOS app reviews API is a powerful tool that helps clients across a wide range of industries make data-driven decisions and optimize their app development and marketing strategies.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/v4.0/ios/apps/reviews.json

Data: Live Data
Historical data available
Filters: id, rating, start_date, end_date, days, lang, limit, page and callback

App Review Analysis For Ios API by 42 Matters

The 42 Matters iOS app review analysis API is a powerful tool that allows clients in the mobile app development, app and marketing analysis, consumer analysis, and advertisement sectors to access advanced sentiment analysis and clustering of app reviews on the Apple App Store. The main purpose of the API is to provide clients with insights into user sentiment and preferences by analyzing app reviews and clustering them into 18+ specific topics that are optimized for the mobile industry. By leveraging the API, clients can gain a deeper understanding of user feedback and preferences and use this information to optimize their app development and marketing strategies.

The data provided by the 42 Matters iOS app review analysis API is used by a wide range of clients, including mobile app developers, consumer analysis platforms, app testers, marketers, advertisers, and more. These clients use the data to gain insights into user behavior and preferences, identify trends and patterns in app reviews, and optimize their app development and marketing strategies. For example, mobile app developers can use the API to identify areas for improvement in their apps and make data-driven decisions about future updates and enhancements. Marketers and advertisers can use the data to optimize their ad targeting strategies and improve user engagement and conversion rates.

The 42 Matters iOS app review analysis API is particularly valuable because it provides clients with a detailed and nuanced understanding of user sentiment and preferences. By clustering app reviews into specific topics that are optimized for the mobile industry, the API enables clients to identify patterns and trends that might not be immediately apparent from a simple analysis of individual reviews. This information can be used to optimize app development and marketing strategies, improve user engagement and retention, and ultimately enhance the overall user experience.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/v3.0/ios/apps/topics.json

Data: Live Data
Historical data available
Filters: id, rating, start_date, end_date, days, lang, limit, page and callback

42 Matters app store app rank history API

The 42 Matters app store app rank history API is a powerful tool that enables mobile app developers, consumer analysis platforms, app testers, marketers, advertisers, and other client types to retrieve comprehensive historical app rank insights for any iOS app available on the Apple App Store. The main purpose of the API is to provide clients with access to detailed information about how apps have performed in the past and how they are currently ranking in the App Store. By leveraging this information, clients can make data-driven decisions about app development and marketing strategies.

The data provided by the 42 Matters app store app rank history API is used across many industries, including mobile app development, app and marketing analysis, consumer analysis, advertisement, and more. For example, mobile app developers can use the data to gain insights into how their apps have performed in the past, identify trends and patterns in app ranking, and optimize their app development and marketing strategies accordingly. Marketers and advertisers can use the data to optimize their ad targeting strategies and improve user engagement and conversion rates.

The 42 Matters app store app rank history API is particularly valuable because it provides clients with access to comprehensive historical data about app rankings. This enables clients to track how apps have performed over time, identify trends and patterns in app ranking, and make informed decisions about app development and marketing strategies. By leveraging this information, clients can optimize their app performance, improve user engagement and retention, and enhance the overall user experience. Overall, the 42 Matters app store app rank history API is a powerful tool that helps clients across a wide range of industries make data-driven decisions and optimize their app development and marketing strategies.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/v4.0/ios/apps/ranks.json

Historical data available
Filters: id, country, start_date, end_date, days, list_names, device_types, primaryGenreIds, lang, app_country, sort_order, limit, page and callback

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