Our weekly API report: Validate Linkedin Inmail, Air Quality and Hourly Air Quality

World In Data - Apr 15 - - Dev Community

This week, we will give you an introduction to three new APIs. For our weekly API roundup, we have chosen these data sources and we hope you will enjoy them. The purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs will be discussed in detail. If you want to know more, the Marketplace for Data and APIs of Worldindata provides additional details on the APIs. Let us get started now!

Validate Linkedin Inmail API by iScraper

The LinkedIn InMail API of iScraper is a powerful tool used to validate profiles for InMail status, helping users determine if a profile is open or closed for messaging. This API serves as a reliable source of data for human resources professionals, talent acquisition agents, competition analysts, job analysts, and other individuals seeking to connect with potential candidates or competitors. By using this API, clients can quickly and easily identify profiles that are open for messaging, saving them time and resources in the process.

Industries that use the LinkedIn InMail API of iScraper are varied and include human resources, talent acquisition, competition analysis, and similar fields. These industries rely heavily on the ability to identify and contact potential candidates or competitors, and the InMail API is an essential tool for accomplishing this task. HR representatives, talent acquisition agents, and competition analysts can all benefit from the use of this API, as it provides valuable information that can help them identify and engage with the right people.

The LinkedIn InMail API of iScraper is used by a wide range of clients, including talent and HR agents, human resources representatives, competition analysts, job analysts, and more. These clients rely on the data provided by the API to help them make informed decisions and connect with the right people. With its user-friendly interface and reliable data, the InMail API has become an essential tool for many professionals in the talent acquisition and HR industries, helping them stay ahead of the competition and make the most of their time and resources.

Format: JSON
Method: POST
Endpoint: /validate-inmail

Data: Live Data

Filters: profile_id

Air Quality API developed by BreezoMeter

The air quality API provided by BreezoMeter is a powerful tool that returns current air-quality conditions for a specific location. Its main purpose is to provide users with real-time information about the air quality in a particular area, including data on pollutants such as PM2.5, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide. With this information, users can make informed decisions about their health and well-being, as well as take steps to reduce their exposure to harmful pollutants.

The air quality API of BreezoMeter is used by a variety of clients, including weather platforms, air quality and life quality analysts, environment and climate change platforms, and more. These clients rely on the data provided by the API to deliver accurate and up-to-date information to their users. Weather platforms, for example, use the data to provide users with detailed information about the air quality in their area, while air quality analysts use it to monitor trends and identify areas that require further attention.

The air quality API of BreezoMeter is used across a range of sectors, including weather, air quality, and environment. In the weather sector, the API is used to provide users with detailed information about the air quality in their area, helping them make informed decisions about their outdoor activities. In the air quality sector, the API is used to monitor trends and identify areas that require further attention, while in the environment sector, it is used to assess the impact of pollution on ecosystems and the natural world. Overall, the air quality API provided by BreezoMeter is a valuable tool for anyone concerned about their health and the environment, providing real-time data that can help users make informed decisions about their daily lives.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /air-quality/v2/current-conditions

Filters: lat, lon, key, features, metadata, lang and breezometer_aqi_color

Hourly Air Quality API from BreezoMeter

The hourly air quality API provided by BreezoMeter is an essential tool for those concerned about the air quality in their area. This API is designed to return hourly air-quality forecasts for the specified location, providing users with accurate and up-to-date information about the air quality in their area. The main purpose of the data is to provide users with real-time information about the air quality in their area, including data on pollutants such as PM2.5, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide.

The hourly air quality API of BreezoMeter is used across a range of industries, including weather, air quality, and environment. In the weather industry, the API is used to provide users with hourly air-quality forecasts, helping them make informed decisions about their outdoor activities. In the air quality industry, the API is used to monitor trends and identify areas that require further attention, while in the environment industry, it is used to assess the impact of pollution on ecosystems and the natural world.

Clients that use the hourly air quality API of BreezoMeter include weather platforms, air quality and life quality analysts, environment and climate change platforms, and more. These clients rely on the data provided by the API to deliver accurate and up-to-date information to their users. Weather platforms, for example, use the data to provide users with detailed information about the hourly air quality in their area, while air quality analysts use it to monitor trends and identify areas that require further attention. Overall, the hourly air quality API provided by BreezoMeter is a valuable tool for anyone concerned about their health and the environment, providing real-time data that can help users make informed decisions about their daily lives.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /air-quality/v2/forecast/hourly

Data: Live Data
Historical data available
Filters: lat, lon, key, datetime, hours, start_datetime, end_datetime, features, metadata, lang and breezometer_aqi_color

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