Our weekly API round up: City Map Cells, climate scenarios and Linkedin Scraper

World In Data - Apr 1 - - Dev Community

This week, we will unveil three new APIs to you. In this round-up, we have included a variety of data topics in the APIs. The purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs will be examined. The APIs' further details can be found on Worldindata's Marketplace for Data and APIs if you want to learn more. It's time to talk about the APIs!

City Map Cells API created by Azavea

Azavea's City Map Cells API is a powerful tool that provides geospatial, climate, aviation, travel, booking and other sectors with detailed and accurate data about cities and their surrounding areas. The API's main purpose is to expose the underlying grid point used for each city and dataset combination, allowing developers and analysts to create custom maps and models tailored to their specific needs. By using this data, businesses and organizations can make more informed decisions about how to allocate resources, plan routes, and manage their operations.

The City Map Cells API is particularly useful for mapping and geospatial services, travel, aviation, and booking websites. These types of clients rely on accurate and up-to-date information about cities and their surrounding areas to provide their users with the best possible experience. For example, a travel website might use the API to create customized travel itineraries based on a user's location and preferences, while an aviation company might use it to optimize flight paths and improve overall efficiency.

In addition to its utility for specific industries, the City Map Cells API is also a valuable tool for researchers and analysts who study urban areas and their ecosystems. By providing detailed data on cities' physical and environmental characteristics, the API allows researchers to better understand the complex dynamics of urban systems and develop new models for sustainable development. Overall, the City Map Cells API is an essential resource for anyone who works with geospatial data and wants to gain a deeper understanding of cities and their surrounding environments.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/city/{pk}/map-cell/
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/city/{pk}/map-cell/{dataset}/

Filters: pk

Azavea climate scenarios API

The Climate Scenarios API by Azavea provides geospatial, weather, climate, and environment industries with detailed data on the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) defined by the fifth IPCC Assessment Report. The main purpose of the data is to describe different scenarios of future climate change based on various levels of greenhouse gas emissions. This data can be used to help businesses, organizations, and governments plan for the impacts of climate change and develop strategies for mitigation and adaptation.

Geospatial service providers, weather platforms, environment and climate change platforms, and other types of clients use the Climate Scenarios API to gain insights into future climate conditions and how they might impact their operations. For example, a company that operates in a coastal area might use the data to develop strategies for protecting their infrastructure from sea level rise and more frequent and severe storms. A city government might use the data to develop heat wave response plans and to identify vulnerable populations that may be particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

The Climate Scenarios API is an essential tool for anyone who is concerned about the impacts of climate change and wants to take action to mitigate and adapt to these impacts. With this data, businesses, organizations, and governments can make informed decisions about how to allocate resources, plan for the future, and manage risk. Overall, the Climate Scenarios API by Azavea is a powerful resource that can help us build a more resilient and sustainable future.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/scenario/
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/scenario/{name}/


Linkedin Scraper API created by iScraper

iScraper's LinkedIn Scraper API is a powerful tool that provides human resources, competition, talent acquisition, and similar industries with comprehensive data on LinkedIn profiles. The main purpose of the data is to extract complete details about a LinkedIn user's professional history, skills, education, and other relevant information. This data is useful for talent and HR agents, human resources representatives, competition analysts, B2B lead developers, job analysts, and others who are interested in gaining insights into the skills and experience of potential employees or competitors.

The LinkedIn Scraper API is particularly valuable for talent acquisition and HR professionals who are responsible for identifying and recruiting top talent. By using this data, these professionals can quickly and easily identify candidates who possess the specific skills and experience required for a particular job opening. In addition, competition analysts can use the data to gain insights into the hiring practices of their competitors and identify potential areas for improvement.

Overall, the LinkedIn Scraper API by iScraper is a valuable tool for anyone who needs access to comprehensive data on LinkedIn profiles. Whether you are a talent acquisition specialist, HR representative, competition analyst, or B2B lead developer, this API can help you gain the insights you need to make informed decisions about hiring, business development, and more. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, the LinkedIn Scraper API is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the competition in today's fast-paced business world.

Format: JSON
Method: POST
Endpoint: /profile-details

Data: Live Data

Filters: profile_id, profile_type, contact_info, recommendations, related_profiles and network_info

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