This week's API round up: international street address, International Street Address Autocomplete and Us Street Address

World In Data - May 22 '23 - - Dev Community

As we do every week, we have three new APIs to introduce to you. This round-up of APIs presents a range of data topics for your consideration. We will closely explore the purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs. The complete details of the APIs can be found on Worldindata's API marketplace. Now, let us start!

Smarty international street address API

Smarty Streets is a leading provider of international street address API services, offering a comprehensive range of tools to help businesses and organizations access accurate and up-to-date street address data from around the world. The company's API is widely used by a diverse range of client types, including mobile app developers, map platforms, location analysis platforms, and many others. With its flexible and scalable API, Smarty Streets provides businesses with the tools they need to streamline their workflows, improve their data accuracy, and gain valuable insights into their customers and markets.

One of the key industries that benefit from Smarty Street's international street address API is geolocation. By providing businesses with accurate and up-to-date street address data, the API allows them to easily pinpoint the location of their customers and assets, which can be critical for logistics, transportation, and other industries that rely on precise location data. Other industries that commonly use Smarty Street's API include application development and location intelligence, as these industries rely heavily on accurate and reliable data to build their applications and make informed business decisions.

The main purpose of Smarty Street's international street address API is to provide businesses with a comprehensive source of global street address information. With its powerful API, businesses can easily access detailed information about addresses from around the world, including information about street names, house numbers, postcodes, and more. This information can be used to improve customer experiences, streamline workflows, and gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Overall, Smarty Street's international street address API is a valuable tool for any business that needs to access accurate and up-to-date street address data from around the world.

Format: JSON
Method: GET

Filters: country, address (1-4), locaility, postal_code, geocode and language

International Street Address Autocomplete API made by Smarty

Smarty Streets also offers an international street address autocomplete API that is widely used by a diverse range of clients. This API is particularly useful for businesses that rely on accurate and up-to-date street address data for their applications. One of the key sectors that benefit from this API is geolocation, as it allows businesses to easily and quickly find the location of their customers or assets. Other industries that commonly use Smarty Street's autocomplete API include application development and location intelligence, as these industries require precise and reliable data to build their applications and make informed business decisions.

The main purpose of Smarty Street's international street address autocomplete API is to provide businesses with a powerful tool for building an autocomplete feature for global street address information. With its advanced algorithms and comprehensive database of street address data, the API can accurately predict and suggest street addresses as users type, improving the user experience and reducing errors. The API is designed to be flexible and easy to integrate into existing applications, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

Types of clients that commonly use Smarty Street's international street address autocomplete API include mobile app developers, map platforms, location analysis platforms, and many others. By leveraging the API's advanced capabilities, these clients can provide their users with a seamless and intuitive experience when searching for street addresses, improving user engagement and satisfaction. Overall, Smarty Street's international street address autocomplete API is a powerful tool for businesses that need to provide accurate and reliable street address information to their users.

Format: JSON
Method: GET

Filters: country, search, max_results, include_only_administrative_area, include_only_locality and include_only_postal_code

Us Street Address API of Smarty

Smarty Streets also offers a US street address API that is widely used by a diverse range of clients. The API is particularly useful for businesses that need to access accurate and up-to-date street address data for US addresses. Types of clients that commonly use the API include mobile app developers, map platforms, location analysis platforms, and many others. With its powerful capabilities and comprehensive database of US street address data, Smarty Street's US street address API is a valuable tool for businesses that need to streamline their workflows and improve their data accuracy.

One of the key sectors that benefit from Smarty Street's US street address API is geolocation. With its accurate and reliable data, the API allows businesses to easily pinpoint the location of their customers and assets, which can be critical for logistics, transportation, and other industries that rely on precise location data. Other industries that commonly use Smarty Street's US street address API include application development and location intelligence, as these industries require precise and reliable data to build their applications and make informed business decisions.

The main purpose of Smarty Street's US street address API is to provide businesses with a comprehensive source of US street address information. With its powerful API, businesses can easily access detailed information about US addresses, including information about street names, house numbers, postcodes, and more. This information can be used to improve customer experiences, streamline workflows, and gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Overall, Smarty Street's US street address API is a valuable tool for any business that needs to access accurate and up-to-date street address data for US addresses.

Format: JSON
Method: GET

Filters: street + city + state, street + zipcode or street (entire address in the street field — what we call a "freeform" input)

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