Weekly API Round up: Google Ranking, Bulk Google Ranking and Coupon

World In Data - Nov 27 '23 - - Dev Community

Following our weekly tradition, we will introduce three new APIs to you. We have chosen a diverse range of data topics for this round-up of APIs. The purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs will be the topic of conversation. Additional details about these APIs can be found on Worldindata. Let's get started now!

Google Ranking API made by Brightlocal

BrightLocal is a leading provider of local search tools and services for digital marketing professionals. One of the key products offered by BrightLocal is their Google ranking API, which is used by a wide variety of clients, including SEO experts, marketers, website managers, and business analysts. These clients rely on the data provided by the Google ranking API to optimize their websites, improve their search engine rankings, and make better informed business decisions.

The main purpose of the data provided by the Google ranking API is to retrieve search ranking and listing data from the major search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This data is used to monitor keyword rankings, track local search results, and analyze search engine performance over time. By providing accurate and up-to-date search engine data, the Google ranking API helps clients identify opportunities for improvement and make data-driven decisions that can help them achieve their business goals.

The sectors that benefit from the data provided by the Google ranking API include SEO, marketing, website management, SERP, and business analysis. SEO experts use the data to optimize their clients' websites for better search engine visibility, while marketers use it to track the performance of their advertising campaigns. Website managers rely on the data to monitor their website's search engine rankings and make improvements to their content and design, while business analysts use it to track the performance of their company's online presence and make strategic decisions based on the data. Overall, the Google ranking API is an essential tool for anyone involved in digital marketing or website management who wants to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their website.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /seo-tools/api/v4/rankings/search

Filters: api-key, batch-id, search-engine, country, google-location, bing-location, search-term, urls, business-names, postcode, telephone, include-secondary-matches, listings and screenshots

Bulk Google Ranking API developed by Brightlocal

BrightLocal's bulk Google ranking API is a powerful tool that allows clients to retrieve bulk search ranking and listing data from major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This data is crucial for clients in various sectors, including SEO, marketing, website management, SERP, and business analysis. The bulk Google ranking API makes it easy for clients to track the search engine performance of multiple keywords and websites at once, providing valuable insights that can help them make data-driven decisions.

The main purpose of the data provided by the bulk Google ranking API is to retrieve bulk search ranking and listing data, allowing clients to monitor the performance of multiple keywords and websites at once. This data is useful for a wide range of tasks, from tracking the performance of marketing campaigns to monitoring the search engine visibility of multiple websites. With the bulk Google ranking API, clients can easily access and analyze large volumes of data, making it easier to identify trends, track progress, and make strategic decisions.

The clients who benefit most from the bulk Google ranking API are SEO experts, marketers, website managers, and business analysts. SEO experts use the data to monitor keyword rankings and make improvements to website content and design. Marketers rely on the data to track the performance of advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions about where to invest their advertising budget. Website managers use the data to monitor the search engine visibility of multiple websites and make improvements to content and design. Business analysts use the data to track the performance of online marketing efforts and make strategic decisions about how to improve search engine visibility and drive more traffic to their website. Overall, the bulk Google ranking API is an essential tool for anyone involved in digital marketing or website management who wants to optimize their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their website.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /seo-tools/api/v4/rankings/bulk-search

Filters: api-key, batch-id, search-engine, country, google-location, bing-location, search-term, urls, business-names, postcode, telephone, include-secondary-matches, listings and screenshots

Coupon API created by Linkmydeals

Linkmydeals is a provider of coupon API that is widely used across various industries, including online shopping, advertising, customer success, e-commerce, and more. The coupon API is designed to provide real-time access to the latest coupons and deals from more than 2000 online stores, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to save money while shopping online. With the coupon API, clients can quickly and easily find the best deals available on a wide range of products and services.

The client types that use the Linkmydeals coupon API are advertisers, online shopping and price comparison platforms, marketers, product analysts, and more. Advertisers use the API to promote their products and services by offering coupons and deals to their customers. Online shopping and price comparison platforms use the API to provide real-time access to the latest coupons and deals to their users, making it easier for them to find the best prices on the products they want to buy. Marketers use the API to create targeted campaigns that offer coupons and deals to specific segments of their customer base, while product analysts use the API to track the performance of various coupons and deals and optimize their campaigns accordingly.

The main purpose of the data provided by the Linkmydeals coupon API is to fetch the latest coupons and deals from more than 2000 online stores. This data is updated in real-time, ensuring that clients have access to the most up-to-date information about available coupons and deals. With the coupon API, clients can easily filter and sort coupons by category, store, and expiration date, making it easier to find the best deals on the products and services they want to buy. Overall, the Linkmydeals coupon API is a valuable tool for anyone looking to save money while shopping online and is widely used across a range of industries to provide real-time access to the latest coupons and deals.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /getOffers/

Filters: format, incremental, last_extract and off_record

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