How to Easily Deploy a Spring Boot Application on AWS Fargate

Wilson K. KOMLAN - Jun 4 '22 - - Dev Community

Before entering the AWS Cloud world, as a Java developer, it was often difficult for me to get Java-based applications online for my clients 😄.
Fortunately, I found out later that AWS provides many proven, fully managed services for deploying Java-based applications such as EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon ECS etc.

In this post, we will show how to quickly deploy a Spring Boot Application on Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate deployment option. AWS Fargate is a Serverless compute engine that can be used to launch and run containers without having to provision or manage EC2 instances.

In next lines, we will :

  • See how to create a Spring Boot REST API Docker image

  • Go through how to push a containerized API on docker repository and deploy this containerized API on AWS

  • Create an ECS Cluster

  • Create a Fargate compatible Task Definition

  • Run the configured Task to make the application available online


  1. Have a Docker repository account

  2. Install Docker Desktop on your local machine

  3. Have an AWS account

Create a Spring Boot REST API

Through this section, instead of creating a Spring Boot Web application, we will create a Spring Boot Rest API for simplicity 😄. Notice that the deployment process is the same even for Spring Boot Web App and Spring Boot REST API.
For demonstration purposes, you can clone the Git hub repository here and open it in your favorite IDE 😎.

Create a Docker container image for the Spring Boot Application

1. Create a Docker file

In the project root, create a docker file named : Dockerfile (with no file extension). Paste the below content:

FROM openjdk:11
COPY ./target/docker-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar docker-demo- 
CMD ["java","-jar","docker-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Line 1 : Instruction to build docker image from openjdk:11 image
Line 2 : Instruction to copy the jar file into the docker container file system while building
Line 3 : is a java command to launch the jar file while executing the container
Line 4 : informs Docker that the container listens on 8080 port at runtime.

2. Build the Docker image

Open the terminal and execute the following docker command in the project root:

docker image build -t docker-demo .
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You should have a result like this:

Terminal : docker build success

3. Test the docker image locally

Open the terminal and execute the following command:

docker container run --name dockerDemoApp -p 8080:8080 -d 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Go to Docker Desktop, you should see this:

Docker desktop

You can then paste this link http://localhost:8080/api/ in the browser to get the following result :

Web browser showing get response

4. Push Docker image into Docker hub repository

In order to push the Docker local image into Docker hub repository, you just need to execute the following command line:

docker push xxx/docker-demo-app:latest
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Make sure to replace xxx by your user name.

Deploy the Spring Boot REST API on AWS Fargate

In this section, we will work step by step to finally get the REST API online.

1. Create Amazon ECS Cluster

  • Sign in to the AWS Console, and type ECS in the Search bar.

Amazon ECS Cluster page

Click on Create Cluster

  • Step 1: On Select cluster template step, select Networking only option and click on Next Step

  • Step 2: Provide the Cluster name : Demo-cluster, check Create VPC option, leave all other default options and click on Create.

Amazon ECS Cluster config

  • Click on View Cluster, the Demo-cluster details should look like this:

Amazon ECS Cluster view

2. Create a Task Definition

On the left side, click Task Definitions and Create new Task Definition to access the Create new Task Definition page.

a. Step 1: Select launch type compatibility

  • Select FARGATE then click on Next Step

b. Step 2: Configure task and container definitions

  • Type the Task definition name : docker-demo-task
  • Leave Task role as is (an IAM role for ECS Task definition will be created on your behalf )
  • Select Linux as Operating system family
  • Task execution role, leave Create new role option
  • Task memory (GB) : 1GB
  • Task CPU (vCPU) : 0.5vCPU
  • Click on Add Container, and the information below:

-- Container name : dockerDemoApp

-- Image : xxx/docker-demo-app:latest, the Docker hub image repository (xxx : your Docker hub user name)

-- Memory Limits (MiB) : Soft limit : 128

-- Port mappings : 80 -> tcp and 8080 -> tcp
ECS Container config
-- Click on Add to navigate back to Create new Task Definition page

  • Leave all other options and click on Create

  • Click on View task definition to see the created task definition details.

Amazon ECS Task definition detail

3. Run the Task Definition

In this last section, we are going to run our Docker container image.

Step 1

In the Task Definition: docker-demo-task:1 page, click on Actions then Run Task, the Run Task page will open.

Step 2

Amazon ECS Run Task

  • Launch type : FARGATE
  • Operating system family : Linux
  • Task Definition : Familly -> docker-demo-task / Revision -> 1
  • Platform version : LATEST
  • Cluster : Demo-cluster
  • Number of tasks : 1
  • Cluster VPC : select your VPC
  • Subnets : Choose un subnet
  • Security groups : click on Edit to modify the default security group as follow :

ECS running Task security group config
-- Assigned security groups : Create new security group

-- Security group name : docker-demo-sg

-- Inbound rules for security group : Choose All Traffic Type and Anywhere Source

-- Click on Save, you will be redirected to the Run Task page.

  • Auto-assign public IP : ENABLED

  • Leave all other default options and click on Run Task.

Amazon ECS Task running

Access Spring Boot REST API via public address

Now that the deployed API's container is running, let's try to access it through a public IP address.

Step 1: Task details

Amazon ECS Task click

  • In the Demo-cluster details page, go to Tasks tab.

  • In the listed tasks, click on the Task whose Task definition column is docker-demo-task:1, the Task details page should open.

Step 2: Task public IP address

Amazon ECS Task definition running

  • In the Task details page, copy the Public IP address

  • Open a browser or Postman, paste the IP address, append the port and /api/ to see the magic happen 👍 🚀 !

Web browser showing Get response

4. Clean up

  • In the Task details page, click on Stop
  • In Demo-cluster page, click on Delete Cluster then follow the instructions to delete the Cluster

In Summary

Through this post, we saw how to easily and quickly deploy a Spring Boot Application on AWS using AWS Fargate by creating a Spring Boot REST API Docker container image, pushing it on the Docker hub repository, creating and configuring Amazon ECS Cluster and Task definition witch helped us to deploy and run our REST API container image on AWS Cloud.
Thanks for the reading.

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