Although I have written a QGIS plugin book and released several QGIS plugins in the past, I enjoyed developing QGIS for the first time in a long time.
This is probably the first attempt in the world to develop a QGIS plugin using Amazon Location Service, and I have decided to release this plugin as OSS. This plugin has not yet implemented all the features, but I plan to add more.
Location information technology is being used in a variety of fields. I hope that through this plugin, more people will discover the convenience and potential of the Amazon Location Service. Please give it a try!
In this article, I will introduce how to use this plugin.
This is the configuration file for the QGIS plugin. It contains metadata such as plugin name, version, icon path, etc.
name=Amazon Location Service
description=QGIS Plugin for Amazon Location Service
about=This plugin uses the functionality of Amazon Location Service in QGIS.
#Plugin main icon
author=Yasunori Kirimoto
This is the main process. It initializes the plugin UI and configures various functions.
Manages the Amazon Location Service interface within a QGIS environment.
"""MAIN_NAME="Amazon Location Service"def__init__(self,iface)->None:"""
Initializes the plugin interface, setting up UI components
and internal variables.
iface (QgsInterface): Reference to the QGIS app interface.
Adds an action to the plugin menu and toolbar.
icon_path (str): Path to the icon.
text (str): Display text.
callback (Callable): Function to call on trigger.
enabled_flag (bool): Is the action enabled by default.
add_to_menu (bool): Should the action be added to the menu.
add_to_toolbar (bool): Should the action be added to the toolbar.
status_tip (Optional[str]): Text for status bar on hover.
whats_this (Optional[str]): Longer description of the action.
parent (Optional[QWidget]): Parent widget.
QAction: The created action.
Initializes the GUI components, adding actions to the interface.
Cleans up the plugin interface by removing actions and toolbar.
Displays the configuration dialog window.
"""self.config.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)# type: ignore>None:"""
Displays the map dialog window.
""" type: ignore>None:"""
Displays the place dialog window.
""" type: ignore>None:"""
Displays the routes dialog window.
"""self.routes.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)# type: ignore>None:"""
Opens the service terms URL in the default web browser.
This is the UI file, which defines labels, combo boxes, and buttons in the dialog created by Qt Designer.
This is the UI processing; it loads UI components and displays configuration options.
A dialog for managing map configurations and adding vector tile layers to a
QGIS project.
Initializes the Map dialog, loads UI components, and populates the map options.
Populates the map options dropdown with available configurations.
Adds the selected vector tile layer to the QGIS project and closes the dialog.
""","Error",f"Failed to add vector tile layer: {str(e)}")def_cancel(self)->None:"""
Cancels the operation and closes the dialog without making changes.
This is the map click process. It retrieves the coordinates of the clicked position on the map and reflects them in the specified UI.
A tool for updating UI fields with geographic coordinates based on map clicks.
Initializes the MapClickCoordinateUpdater with a map canvas, UI references,
and the type of coordinates to update.
Processes mouse press events on the map canvas, converting the click location
to WGS84 coordinates and updating the UI.
Dynamically updates UI fields designated for longitude and latitude with
new coordinates from map interactions.
Helper method to set the text of UI fields designated for longitude and
Converts map coordinates to the WGS84 coordinate system, ensuring global
standardization of the location data.
map_point (QgsPointXY): A point in the current map's coordinate system
that needs to be standardized.
QgsPointXY: The transformed point in WGS84 coordinates, suitable for
global mapping applications.
This is the routing function. It creates a line layer in QGIS using the acquired route data.
Manages the calculation and visualization of routes between two points on a map.
Initializes the RoutesFunctions class with configuration and API handlers.
Fetches necessary configuration settings from the settings manager.
Tuple[str, str, str]: A tuple containing the region,
route calculator name, and API key.
Calculates a route from start to end coordinates using an external API.
st_lon (float): Longitude of the start position.
st_lat (float): Latitude of the start position.
ed_lon (float): Longitude of the end position.
ed_lat (float): Latitude of the end position.
A dictionary containing the calculated route data.
"""region,routes,apikey=self.get_configuration_settings()routes_url=(f"https://routes.geo.{region}"f"{routes}/calculate/route?key={apikey}")data={"DeparturePosition":[st_lon,st_lat],"DestinationPosition":[ed_lon,ed_lat],"IncludeLegGeometry":"true",}result=self.api_handler.send_json_post_request(routes_url,data)ifresultisNone:raiseValueError("Failed to receive a valid response from the API.")returnresultdefadd_line_layer(self,data:Dict[str,Any])->None:"""
Adds a line layer to the QGIS project based on route data provided.
data (Dict): Route data including the route legs and geometry.
Configures the given layer with attributes, features,
and styling based on route data.
layer (QgsVectorLayer): The vector layer to be configured.
data (Dict): Route data used to populate the layer.
Adds necessary fields to the vector layer.
layer (QgsVectorLayer): The layer to which fields are added.
Adds features to the layer based on the route data.
layer (QgsVectorLayer): The layer to which features are added.
data (Dict): The route data containing legs and geometry.
Applies styling to the layer to visually differentiate it.
layer (QgsVectorLayer): The layer to be styled.
Amazon Location Service has terms of use for data usage. Please check the section “82. Amazon Location Service” and use the service at your own risk.
When using HERE as a provider, in addition to the basic terms and conditions, you may not.
a. Store or cache any Location Data for Japan, including any geocoding or reverse-geocoding results.
b. Layer routes from HERE on top of a map from another third-party provider, or layer routes from another third-party provider on top of maps from HERE.