AWS User Group Madurai is the youngest of 25 AWS User Groups across India.
I was pretty excited to join hands with them to present bilingual (English & Tamil) session on Getting stared with Amazon EC2.
I was really happy and proud, as part of international women's day celebration, an engineering student has volunteered
to host the session. I have came to know that Anusha came forward and volunteered to host the session. She has a long way to go. It's not about only industry people, part of the User Group but also college students like Anusha should come forward try to learn and share knowledge. Thats is the first step to BREAK THE BIAS.
A Big thanks to AWS User Group Madurai User Group Leads - Vivek and Maheswarakumar for the invite.
We are hosting our first bilingual session. Wondering how would it make a difference?
If we learn or teach any new technology in mother tongue it will be very comfortable and convenient and it is an UNDENIABLE FACT.
As a first attempt AWS User Group India's Madurai chapter, we presented our first English-Tamil technical session. We hope learners will like it.
A Token of love from AWS UG Madurai
Madurai Channel:
India channel: