Monthly Amazon Location Service Updates - 2024.02
This is a summary of the February updates for Amazon Location Service.
2024.02 Updates
Amazon Location Service releases authentication library for iOS and Android
Authentication libraries for iOS and Android platforms have been released.
Amazon Location Service Maps SDK now supports Metal-based rendering for iOS applications
The Maps SDK now supports Metal-based rendering in iOS applications.
Added option to GeoJSON conversion helper (routeToFeatureCollection) in Amazon Location SDK
GeoJSON conversion helper (routeToFeatureCollection) now has an option to work with MapLibre.
Other Info
Amazon Location Service Demo
Official Amazon Location Service demo.
Amazon Location Service Developer Guide
Official Amazon Location Service Documentation.
AWS Geospatial
Official AWS Geospatial samples.
Amplify Geo Docs
Official Amplify Geo Docs.
Build environment to get started with Amazon Location Service.
Articles on Amazon Location Service.
tags - Amazon Location Service
tags - Try
Notes on Amazon Location Service. (Japanese)