The first ever AWS Community APAC & Japan Summit 2022 in #bangkok started with full excitement, got to meet and greet friends from AWS Community, be part of the elite panel - #DEI but this one - AWS Hero of the Year, came as a sweet surprise. Many congratulations to our fellow nominees.
As always a proud represent of AWS User Group India, AWS Users Group Bengaluru and #Infor
This little video message from Rohini as part of her send-off note did move me a lot. Isn't it a great feel to hear someone enjoy and visualize my success through her lens.
Many tech conversations we had together is so invaluable to me.
I went on recounting what would have fetched AWS Hero of the Year recognition, here are few things which comes to my mind
First and foremost I attribute the credit to my male allies Jeevan Dongre, Sathyajith Bhat, Runcy Oomen, Prashanth HN and Habeeb for creating a more inclusive platform for me to be myself in terms presenting tech talks, organizing meetups, organizing and hosting AWS Community day events, writing blogs and so on.
Had the pleasure and proud privilege of presenting at AWS reInvent in 3 consecutive years - 2019, 2020, and 2021
First-ever AWS Hero to speak at the AWS Summit India keynote, along with Ekta Parashar and other AWS customers. Receiving this opportunity and representation in AWS India's largest tech event was a great win not just for myself but for the community.Had the great opportunity presented a breakout session for the India Summit on End-to-End CI/CD at scale with Infrastructure-as-Code on AWS
Enjoy writing blogs, media articles and present about AWS and DevTools via AWS conferences, 3P communities, Industry Conferences and universities.
Get the contentment in guiding early developers or cloud aspirants on AWS certification, blogging, community connect etc.Recently got to speak at TedEx for Youth on my journey as a technophile and represented AWS community too.
Got to work with AWS Team for AWS Developer story to inspire more women to embrace tech space and together we were quite successful to fetch 2.7 million views.
Thank you Serena Seah for hosting and Jason Dunn for honouring it.
Thanks a lot, Rohini Gaonkar and Ridhima Kapoor for all the support 🥰
A special thanks always to the AWS UG Blr Leads, present and past who stood by me and supported me throughout my AWS Community Journey - Jeevan Dongre, Sathyajith Bhat, Runcy Oommen Prashanth HN and Habeeb Rahman
Happy to see the joy from the #teamindia - fellow AWS Heroes, #AWScommunityBuilders and #awsusergrouleaders
Very well organized event Shafraz Rahim and team!!
My thank you note goes here.