A community initiative from AWS User Group India and KonfHub
A casual conversation with good friend, Ganesh Samarthyam, Co-Founder at KonfHub Technologies, on my upcoming AWS re:Invent re:Cap engagements turned into a very fruitful conversation as per the golden words:
Think globally, act locally
And the result is a ready to use Live Quiz from QuizHub for AWS re:Invent re:Cap organizers
Here you go with the details
AWS re:Invent re:Cap community events are happening all over the world. To engage with the participants, we have come up with an idea to run LIVE quizzes.
We have ideated this readymade quizzes covering the following topics:
Quiz #1 - Serverless & DevOps
covering (a) Builder Experience (b) Serverless (c) DevOps
Quiz #2 - Data & AI / ML
covering (a) AI/ML (b) Data and Analytics
Quiz #3 - Compute, Networking & Security
covering the topics (a) Compute (b) Networking (c) Security & Compliance (d) Other topics.
Sample Quiz Link: https://quiz.konfhub.com/t/recap
re:Invent re:Cap Quiz can be customized with the Organizer Logo, Prizes, your regional language etc with the help from KonfHub Team.
Being a community initiative, there is absolutely no cost either to use the platform or to avail the customization.
For organizers
- Three ready-made quizzes you can immediately use to engage participants in your re:Cap event
- Each quiz consists of 10 questions of 30 seconds each - so total just 5 minutes for running a quiz
- QuizHub team can help setup and run the quiz
- Leaderboard updated live during quiz play - those topping the leaderboard can be awarded AWS credits or other suitable prizes
For participants
- NO sign-up required for playing the quiz (just name/pseudonym to be provided to play)
- All questions are from the re:Cap sessions/slides
About QuizHub
QuizHub is free for community events and has been used in many AWS User Groups and in the community days, including AWS Community Days Pune, Kochi, Virtual Day and more.
Watch this video to learn more about how to use QuizHub:
An open invitation to AWS re:Invent re:Cap organizers across the globe to make use of this pre-built quizzes to engage with your participants and give them a wonderful learning experience.
How to get started?
Show your interest by adding comments to this blog and we can take it forward from there 🤝