2021-02-12: IAC Team Status Update

Puppet Ecosystem - Feb 24 '21 - - Dev Community

Community Contributions

We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:

Check all the ways to reach us if you want to directly contact us about anything module related.

New Module / Gem Releases

The following modules were released this week:

Shout Outs

Before we get on with the bigger subjects we have a few quick shout outs to make this week!

IAC Team Contributions

Puppet Practitioner Training

This week, Adrian, Daiana and Ciaran have been on the Puppet Practitioners course run by the excellent Andrew Jones. It’s been a very useful course that gives us a better perspective of the customer use cases and viewpoint of the Puppet products and ecosystem.Andrew is incredibly knowledgeable and great at delivering the course - we’d highly recommend it for anyone who uses Puppet in their environment and wants to discover the full potential. There’s been many “that’s so cool!” and “I didn’t know you could do that!” moments this week, even from Puppet employees. On that note, Andrew had his work cut out for him this week, taking in IAC Team members, Customer Support engineers and other software developers in Puppet. We’ve had lots of questions for him, wanting to dive in to the intricacies of the functionality, but he has been infallible in his answers / explanations and we’ve had some great discussions and knowledge sharing amongst the group. Thanks again Andrew and a shout out to Clive, Gavin D, Jordi and Gavin P for some of the great questions, conversations and knowledge sharing too!

Cloud CI

This week we started preparations to use docker containers for acceptance testing in the Github Runner matrix setup to ensure all our acceptance testing is in the same workflow. As soon as this will be available we will start to remove the Travis and Appveyor configurations from our supported modules. The WIP draft for the matrix configuration is available here and a follow up a draft will be set up on the pdk-templates that will use this to generate the full acceptance matrix in both the PR testing and nightly run workflows. For the automated release preparation workflow we would like to use the PDK docker container instead of gem injection, but we still have a couple of issues with building the gems in the container at the moment. Also starting this week we have begun to prepare the ibm_installation_manager to run the tests on cloud ci. As part of the that we are able to replace the dependent packages required for the testing with trial versions and executed against them successfully. We will be working on porting those packages to google cloud storage and access from there for automated test runs on cloud ci.

Removal of Inappropriate Terminology

As of the linked ticket being merged in puppetlabs-helm I am happy to announce that we have finished our work in the removal of all possible instances of inappropriate or offensive terminologies from our supported modules and altered their primary branches to be the main branch. As part of this announcement I would like to remind everyone the the old master is no longer updated and will be removed from the modules in the future and so would urge anyone directly referencing it to instead target the main branch.

A Sad Day for the IAC Team

Alongside all this weeks good news we have some sad news to announce. It is an end of an era, a good friend and colleague TP Honey is leaving Puppet today for pastures new. TP has been a role model and mentor, to all within the IAC team and his contributions have helped so many in our Open Source Commmunity. As he leaves the team would like to remind TP that all PRs are welcome.

From all IAC team members and the larger, Puppet family, thank you for all your help and support over the years.

I hope you will all join with me, wherever you are now, in raising a toast, to TP!

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