Content & Tooling Team Status Update

Puppet Developer Experience - Aug 24 '23 - - Dev Community

Hello Again!!

Happy Friday! 🎉 As we wrap up another productive week, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the remarkable contributions and exciting developments from modules team that have taken place.


ERB to EPP Migration Progress:

It brings me immense satisfaction to acknowledge the persistent effort our team has poured into the task of converting ERB templates to EPP. This pivotal initiative signifies our commitment to enhancing efficiency and standardization across our projects. I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve successfully surpassed the halfway mark in this endeavor.Among the notable achievements, I’d like to spotlight the successful migration of core modules including Chocolatey, Docker, HAProxy, MySQL, and Tomcat. These milestones stand as a testament to our team’s technical prowess and collaborative spirit.

Expansion of Our Modules Family:

Equally noteworthy is the expansion of our modules family, bolstered by the inclusion of three new modules – puppetlabs-windows_env, puppetlabs-sslcertificate, and puppetlabs-windows_eventlog. This accomplishment is underscored by Ramesh7 commendable work in orchestrating the seamless transition of module ownership within the puppetlabs domain.As we own and take on the responsibility of these modules, we are excited to contribute to their further growth and development.

Be prepared for a slew of enhancements on the Forge platform in the upcoming weeks. These refinements will further elevate our user experience and reinforce our standing as industry leaders.

Firewall Update

The update to the firewall module has been continuing on in the background and is apporaching the final point. All going well it should be ready to review and merge early next week, with a dedicated blog post on the changes within it to follow. The PR itself can be found here.



You may have noticed over the past few days some of the repos have had the CODEOWNERS entry updated from modules to tooling. We have done this because we now have a team dedicated to tooling only. Updating the CODEOWNERS will allow users like yourselves to direct questions to the correct team. All of the tools that have been updated are reflected here.


We have added a new puppet-lint plugin into puppet-lint. This plugin is check_unsafe_interpolations and helps Puppet developers to check their Puppet code for interpolated variables which could be vulnerable to code injection attacks. If any interpolated strings are found, a warning will be raised letting the user know where the infringement is. You can check out the plugin’s gem here, but it is now included with core puppet-lint.

Community Contributions

We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:

New Module / Gem Releases

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