Hey there
We have been working hard on a couple of projects lately and it seems like they are coming to a conclusion.
After much work and sweat poured onto SQLServer by jordanbreen28, we finally have a functional running CI for the module, as well as full support for Sql Server 2022. A release is coming very soon, so stay tuned to our Forge page for an update, or skip the wait and check the latest changes in our GitHub [repo][https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-sqlserver/pulls]
On our tooling side, our engineer GSPatton has also made some outstanding effort into developing the necessary code to allow our Puppet Development Kit to support RHEL 9 systems. Similar to our SQLserver announcement, this update should be available soon with the next PDK release.
We are happy to announce that puppet-lint 3.2 has been released. Special thanks to our friends at Vox for helping with coordination and community member mmckinst for donating two fantastic plugins. For more details on this release check out the [changelog][https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-lint/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md].
Module syntax updates
Our syntax update project seems to be coming to a conclusion. For those unaware, our newest version of our agent, Puppet 8, is coming very soon. And in preparation to it, we have been working on a series of syntax updates for all of our supported modules, to make sure they were up to date with the new changes and requirements coming with the new version. Many of these updates will be present with the next batch of releases.
Finally, we would like to extend a special thanks to all the community members that offered their insights and feedback when reviewing our Syntax update PRs. Thank you, smortex,bastelfreak, ekohl and SimonHoenscheid for your contributions to helping keep our modules healthy.
Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “Fixdocker
fact with recent version of docker”, thanks to smortex and the following people who helped get it over the line (jaketus, vitargelo) -
: “Fix first token whitespace”, thanks to nwoythal and the following people who helped get it over the line (ekohl) -
: “codeclimate (GitLab Code Quality compatible) output support “, thanks to alexjfisher -
: “Proper use of your/you’re.”, thanks to bschonec
New Module / Gem Releases
The following modules were released this week: