Wooooo Friday!
There we go! Another week done. And… January (the longest month of the year) is almost over. There are many reasons to rejoice. Here are our updates for the week.
New Community Days
Usually, we have held our community days on Mondays. Now we’re trialling holding them on Fridays to suit all team members availability.
PDK 2.6.1
We’re starting to get the hang of this! Craig and me have started to take more ownership of PDK and have been doing some deep dives in this extensive tool. This latest release adds support for OSX 12 and Ubuntu 22.04.
David’s blog post
And finally, if you haven’t already seen it, check out David’s blog post on how he removed puppet-module-gems
from our supported modules. You can find it here.
Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “Simplify templates by reusing methods”, thanks to ekohlpuppetlabs-postgresql#1388
: “Ubuntu 14/16/17: Drop code leftovers”, thanks to bastelfreakpuppetlabs-postgresql#1387
: “remove debian 8 and 9 corpses”, thanks to SimonHoenscheidpuppetlabs-postgresql#1383
: “Add multi instance support, refactoring initdb.pp (2/x)”, thanks to SimonHoenscheidpuppetlabs-postgresql#1382
: “Add multi instance support, refactoring config.pp (1/x)”, thanks to SimonHoenscheid and the following people who helped get it over the line (kenyon)facterdb#265
: “Add Ruby 3.2 support”, thanks to bastelfreakfacterdb#264
: “Release 1.21.0”, thanks to bastelfreakfacterdb#263
: “Add SLES 12 Facter 4.2 factset”, thanks to bastelfreakfacterdb#261
: “new facts for ubuntu 22.10, Rocky 9, Fedora 37”, thanks to hbrown-uiowa and the following people who helped get it over the line (anders-larsson)puppetlabs_spec_helper#378
: “puppet-lint: Allow 3.x”, thanks to bastelfreakpuppetlabs_spec_helper#377
: “pathspec: Allow 1.x”, thanks to bastelfreak