First Week with the Whole Team Back
Whelp, that's it, Christmas is officially done for the year and we are all back from our Holidays. We all had some fun, I myself spent Christmas morning swimming in the ocean near Bangor, and we are now back and ready to get some work done!
One Year and Counting
It’s with some pride that I can announce that our own Lukas has hit his first year with the team :)! He’s done some great work over the year he’s been with us and I’m sure he will do even more!
Happy to say that both Craig and Gavin have been invited to speak at the CfgMgmtCamp in Belgium at the start of Febuary :)! I will also be attending, though not presenting and we are all looking forward to getting to see some of you in person, and on a personal note, I am looking forward to sharing my love of Tequila with as many of you as I can.
Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “fix typo in source.pp”, thanks to bastelfreakpuppetlabs-apt#1081
: “fix: removeapt::
prefix from fact variables”, thanks to johanfleurypuppetlabs-firewall#1103
: “redhat9 needs iptables service”, thanks to robertc99puppetlabs-iis#358
: “pdksync - (MAINT) Remove stalebot”, thanks to ia-contentpuppetlabs-mysql#1522
: “ only touch when backup_success_file_path is set”, thanks to JvGinkelpuppetlabs-scheduled_task#220
: “Control scheduled task description field”, thanks to dwjvaughanpuppetlabs-vcsrepo#582
: “Bring back GIT_SSH support for old git versions”, thanks to vStonepuppetlabs-websphere_application_server#257
: “Fix generic jvm args”, thanks to biamandeipuppetlabs-websphere_application_server#256
: “Fix complaints about title patterns using procs being not supported”, thanks to biamandeipuppetlabs-websphere_application_server#252
: “Fix websphere variable type”, thanks to biamandeipuppetlabs-websphere_application_server#251
: “Add admin security profile creation options”, thanks to biamandeipuppetlabs-websphere_application_server#250
: “Add conditional appserver systemctl”, thanks to biamandeipuppetlabs-websphere_application_server#249
: “Fix was files ownership”, thanks to biamandeirspec-puppet#36
: “Default to current versions of Puppet and Facter”, thanks to ekohl