A Halloween Greeting from David S. Pumpkins
It’s almost the time of Spooks and Scares so I hope all of you have your Masks and Jack O’Lanterns ready to ward of the Ghouls and Gheists that will soon be running wild!
Personally I’ll be spending the night itself cozied up with a lit stove, a large Pizza and Wednesday on Netflix.
puppet-lint and rspec-puppet
Some of you may have noticed some movement with the above gems over the last few weeks, this comes from our attempts to fully define them as being under the ownership of Puppet as a company, with the gems being re-released as puppetlabs-rspec-puppet and puppetlabs-puppet-lint.
While this was done with the best of intentions the impact that it will have on the community has meant that it is not a straightforward process and so before we continue we have decided to open up talks on the matter that can be found within the Discussions sections on the relevant tools i.e. here for rspec-puppet and here for puppet-lint.
With the blessings of Glenn Sarti we have now taken ownership of the puppetfile-resolver and brought it into our suite of maintained tools.
To anyone who doesn’t know this is a rather wonderful tool that helps the user to resolve their module dependencies by parsing your puppetfile and using it to identify compatible versions of all the modules that you have inclued, even restricting to certain Puppet versions if needed.
Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “Use better yardoc tags”, thanks to ekohl
New Gem Releases