I love that Friday feeling!
It’s been another quiet week while we work on replacing cogs and putting out fires behind the scenes. It feels like weeks are getting shorter as the holiday season starts hitting us.
As mentioned on a previous post
, this week we have decided to offically announce the retirement of several modules from our supported list. This is done in an effort to focus our resources on the areas that matter the most. We have also been discussing about the future of some of our internal tools, such as PRM, which might need a refactor soon enough.
As usual, we’d like to thanks all community members for your contributions and let y’all know that they are very much appreciated.
And that’s all for now. Enjoy your weekend, folks!
Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “Correct vhost parameter documentation and run vhost tests on all supported OSes”, thanks to ekohl -
: “Group assertions in vhost spec”, thanks to ekohl -
: “Clean up includes and templates in vhost.pp”, thanks to ekohl -
: “Fixing deprecated message on api_types.rb”, thanks to davidsandilands
New Module / Gem Releases
The following modules were released this week: