This Week In React #165: StyleX, PandaCSS, Tailwind, Redux, Astro, Next.js, React-Native 0.73, Skia text layouts, Expo EAS...

Sebastien Lorber - Dec 8 '23 - - Dev Community

Hi everyone!

I've found this week's CSS news particularly interesting! StyleX, CSS Hooks, Panda, Tailwind, CSS4...

The State of React Native survey is open. A new "bridgeless mode" will be introduced in version 0.73 (which has just been released 5 minutes before hitting publish lol!)

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Meta's CSS-in-JS solution is finally open-sourced, after a long wait. It is used on major apps such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. It is not strictly coupled with React. Atomic CSS will be extracted at build time, and there is a lightweight runtime for concatenating classes. TypeScript support is well-thought-out. The API is minimalist, relying mainly on 2 functions: create and props. We'll see how this new solution will position itself in an ecosystem that is already fairly competitive with Tailwind, Panda and a few others.

See also:

CSS Hooks

CSS library with React bindings, offering a real return to basics via inline styles. In From CSS madness to CSS Hooks, the author explains how he uses a variable CSS trick to support missing features such as media-queries, pseudo-selectors and so on.

Personally, I've always preferred the DX of inline styles, but in practice this is too limited and doesn't always perform well. It remains to be seen whether this innovation will hold up in practice. Mark Dalgleish (🐦 tweet) is excited about it. Note Adam Wathan probably wouldn't have created Tailwind if inline styles had better support (🐦 tweet).

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