Introduction to JavaScript Sets

John Au-Yeung - Jan 28 '20 - - Dev Community

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In JavaScript, Set objects are objects that hold collections of values. They can be iterated in the order they’re inserted. Each value in a Set may occur only once. This means that a Set in JavaScript is consistent with sets in math.

Because each value in a Set has to be unique, their values will be checked for equality. This is done by using the triple-equals operator for comparison; meaning -0 and +0 are different values.

However, NaN is considered to be equal to itself, even though in other parts of JavaScript it’s not. undefined can also be stored in Sets.

Each Set can be created with a constructor, and has the size property to get the number of items in each Set. Sets can be manipulated via many methods.

These include:

  • add: Adds a new element to the Set and returns the Set with the new element inserted.
  • clear: Removes all elements from a Set.
  • delele(value): Removes the given value from the Set and returns the value that the has function would have returned.
  • entries(): Returns a new iterator containing the value for each item in the Set object, sorted by their insertion order. Each entry has an array with the key and the value. The key will be set to the value of the Set entry.
  • forEach(callbackFn, thisArg): Allows iteration through the entries of the Set and works with the data in the callback function that’s passed in. The value of this in the callback by passing in a variable for the thisArg parameter.
  • keys(): Gets the keys of the Set in a new iterator object that has the value of each element.
  • values(): Gets the values of each Set’s insertion order.
  • Set.prototype[Symbol.iterator]: Returns a new iterator object that has the value of each element in the Set in insertion order.

Defining and Manipulating Sets

To define a Set object, we write:

let set = new Set();  

After the three calls to the add function, we should get [1,5] when we log the value of the Set variable, because we can’t have duplicates in a Set object.

This only applies to primitive types. So, if we insert two objects with the same content, both will be in the Set. Only the reference is checked when inserting items into a Set, consistent with the triple-equals check.

For example, if we write:

let set = new Set();
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){  
  set.add({a: 1, b: 2});  

Then, we’ll get {a: 1, b: 2} in the Set five times, because each object does not have the same reference in memory.

We can check if an element exists in a Set with the has function. For example, if we have:

let set = new Set();  

Then if we call the has function:


It will return true. If we call:


then it will return false, since the element doesn’t exist in the Set. We can also put expressions into a Set function. If we call has as in the following code:


We still get true, because the expression is computed before it’s passed into the has function’s parameter, so it’s the same as set.has(5).

To get the size of the Set, we can use the size property as in the following code:


Which would be 8, since there are eight elements in the Set.

To remove an item from the Set, we can use the delete function as in the following code:


Then 8 would removed from the set. If we call set.has(8), it’ll be false, because 8 is no longer in the Set.

To iterate through the value of a set, we can use the for...of loop. In the following example, we will loop through the entries:

let set = new Set();  
for (let item of set){  

In the loop above, we get 1 to 8 logged in the order that they were inserted with add.

To loop through the keys of the Set, we can use the keys() method to get the keys from the Set object. For example, we can write the following code:

let set = new Set();  
set.add(8);for (let key of set.keys()){  

In the case of Set objects, the key would be the same as the value, so that we would still get 1 to 8 logged in the console when we run the code above. To loop through the values, we can call the values method on the Set object as in the following code:

let set = new Set();  
set.add(8);for (let value of set.values()){  

As we can see, we got the same values as we did from the keys method. This is because with Sets, keys and values are always the same. To get the keys and values all at once, we can use the entries method along with the destructuring assignment operator to decompose the key and value into their own variables in each entry, as in the following code:

let set = new Set();  
set.add(8);for (let \[key, value\] of set.entries()){  
  console.log(key, value)  

We can see that the key and value of each entry of a Set is the same, as we expected.

Converting Sets Into Arrays

To convert a Set into an array, we can use the Array.from method. We pass in the Set as an argument of the from method. For example, we can write:

let set = new Set();  
const arr = Array.from(set);  

From running the code above, we see that arr is an array with the same elements in the same order as the Set. This is handy for removing duplicate elements from an array. To remove duplicates from an array, we can convert it to a Set by using the Set’s constructor and then convert it back to an array with Array.from . We can write the following:

let arr = [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8];
const set = new Set(arr);
arr = Array.from(set);

When we log arr in the last line of the code above, we get [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] . This is because we passed arr into the Set’s constructor, which created the Set, where the duplicate values are automatically eliminated. Then we call the Array.from function with set as the argument, so we convert it back to an array. The Array.from function returns an array, so we can assign it back to arr and get back an array with the duplicates removed.

An alternative way to convert a Set into an array is to use the spread operator. For example, we can rewrite the example above by using the spread operator:

let arr = [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8];
const set = new Set(arr);
arr = [...set];

We get exactly the same result. This is a bit shorter and does the same thing as the Array.from function since the spread operator will make a copy of the object that it’s spreading.

Doing Mathematical Set Operations on JavaScript Sets

Since we can convert between arrays and Sets, we can apply array operations to them. Sets do not come with any methods for doing things like getting the intersection, difference or union with other Sets. However, since we can convert between arrays and Sets, we can use array functions to do the same thing. For example, if we want to get the intersection between two Sets, we can write:

let set1 = new Set();
set1.add(4);let set2 = new Set();
set2.add(8);const unionBetweenSet1and2 = new Set([...set1,...set2])

When we log the intersectionBetweenSet1and2 , we get 1 and 2 in the Set, which is what we expect, since 1 and 2 are the only elements that are in both Sets. In the Set constructor, we converted set1 into an array with the spread operator and then called filter on it to only include the items in set1 that are in set2 with the has method called on set2 .

To get the set union of two Sets, we just call the spread operator on both, as in the following code:

let set1 = new Set();
set1.add(4);let set2 = new Set();
set2.add(8);const differenceBetweenSet1and2 = new Set([...set1].filter(item => !set2.has(item)))

When running the code above, we should see that unionBetweenSet1and2 has the value [1,2,3,4,7,8].Since we passed both Sets into the array and spread them with the spread operator, we created an array with all the elements in the array. Then the set constructor eliminated the duplicates, and we’re left with elements in both sets, which is the union of both sets.

If we want to get the set difference between two Sets, we can convert one Set into an array and then use the filter function on it to exclude the elements from the other Set. For example, we can write:

let set1 = new Set();
set1.add(4);let set2 = new Set();
set2.add(8);const differenceBetweenSet1and2 = new Set([...set1].filter(item => !set2.has(item)))

When we log the value of differenceBetweenSet1and2, we should get[3,4] because we converted set1 into an array with the spread operator and called the filter on it. In the callback function of filter we returned !set2.has(item) to exclude the elements from set2 that are also in set1 , so we’re left with the elements that are only in set1.

To get the symmetric difference between two Sets, i.e., the set of elements that are only in one Set or the other, we can get the intersection between two Sets and then exclude the elements that are in the intersection. For example, we can write the following:

let set1 = new Set();
set1.add(4);let set2 = new Set();
set2.add(8);const intersectionBetweenSet1and2 = new Set([...set1].filter(item => set2.has(item)))const symDiffBetweenSet1and2 = new Set([...set1,...set2].filter(item => !intersectionBetweenSet1and2.has(item)))

In the code above, we obtained the intersection between set1 and set2. Once we got intersectionBetweenSet1and2, we put everything in set1 and set2 in the same array by using the spread operator, then called filter on that array and returned !intersectionBetweenSet1and2.has(item) in the callback function to exclude the elements that are in the intersection. This is what we want to eliminate from the array to get the symmetric difference. Then, we just convert the result back to a Set with the Set constructor. At the end, when we log symDiffBetweenSet1and2, we should get [3,4,7,8] which are elements that are only in one Set or the other.

To check if an element is a Superset of another set, we can once again convert it to an array and use that to check. For example, if we have:

let superSet = new Set();
superSet.add(4);let set = new Set();
set.add(2);const isSuperset = [...set].every(item => superSet.has(item));

In the code above, we convert set to an array and then check if every element of set is included in the Superset with the has function. The every method is an array method that checks if every element in an array meets a specified condition.

We can also create Set objects from strings. We can pass a string straight into the Set constructor. The result would be a Set that has the individual characters of the string with the duplicate entries removed. For example, if we have the following code:

const letterSet = new Set('element');

Then we get back {“e”, “l”, “m”, “n”, “t”} when we run console.log(letterSet). Note that if there are duplicates, the characters that are inserted later which are the same as any existing characters will be omitted, so the one that is inserted earlier stays.

JavaScript Sets is a useful data structure that models the properties of mathematical sets. Sets can be converted into arrays, so we can manipulate them as arrays and then turn them back into Sets. This is very handy for working on them, since Sets do not have as many methods as arrays have.

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