and GitHub usage pl Syntax Highlighter

Sh Raj - Mar 17 - - Dev Community

Prettylights Syntax Highlighting

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Notice the pl - Use inspection tool on Code Blocks on

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Try Here

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Try Using This CDN :-

on the HTML

<div class="highlight highlight-text-html-basic"><pre>&lt;<span class="pl-ent">pre</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs language-js<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;&lt;<span class="pl-ent">code</span>&gt;&lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-keyword<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;var&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt; foo = &lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-function<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;&lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-keyword<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;function&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt; (&lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-params<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;bar&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt;) &lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt;{
  &lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-keyword<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;return&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt; bar++;

&lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-built_in<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;console&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt;.log(foo(&lt;<span class="pl-ent">span</span> <span class="pl-e">class</span>=<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>hljs-number<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>&gt;5&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">span</span>&gt;));
&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">code</span>&gt;&lt;/<span class="pl-ent">pre</span>&gt;</pre></div>
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See on Codepen :-

Or Use API

    const api = ``;
    const res = await fetch(api);
    const data = await res.json();
    let html= await data.body_html;
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and Use This CSS CDN then all the codes will be highlighted.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

or Use the CSS

/* Code Highlighting Added */
.highlight__panel.js-actions-panel {
    display: none;
code {
    color: azure;
  background: black;
  padding: 2px;
.highlight.js-code-highlight {
    border-left: 2px solid aqua;
    overflow: auto;
    color: azure;
    background: black;
    padding: 10px;

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