Disable Right Click and Protect Images/Videos - Safeguarding Your Website Content

Sh Raj - Feb 26 - - Dev Community

Safeguarding Your Website Content: Various Methods to Disable Right Click and Protect Images/Videos

Disclaimer - This Article is about how to disable right click on specific elements, and for sure it's not a full proof way to prevent your images/videos. See the Conclusion part of the Article. For Many users this trick will work (Mobile Users, Normal Users), until people who know the tricks come, and for that I shown about Terms page on your website.


In the digital age, protecting your website's content from unauthorized use is crucial. Whether you're a photographer, artist, or content creator, preventing visitors from easily copying or downloading your images, videos, and other media is essential to safeguarding your intellectual property. One common technique used to deter unauthorized access is disabling the right-click function. Here, we explore various methods to disable right-click functionality and protect your valuable content effectively.

Why Disable Right Click?

Disabling right-click functionality is a simple yet effective way to discourage users from easily accessing and copying your content. By removing the context menu that typically appears when users right-click on images or videos, you can prevent them from easily saving or copying your media files. While it's not foolproof protection, it serves as a deterrent and adds an extra layer of security.

Methods to Disable Right Click:

1. HTML and JavaScript:

One of the most straightforward methods involves using HTML and JavaScript to disable the right-click function. By adding a simple script to your website's code, you can prevent the context menu from appearing when users attempt to right-click on your content.

<script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
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2. CSS:

Alternatively, you can utilize CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to disable right-click functionality. This method involves applying a style to your images or videos that overrides the default right-click behavior, effectively preventing users from accessing the context menu.

img {
    pointer-events: none;
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3. WordPress Plugins:

For website owners using WordPress, numerous plugins are available specifically designed to disable right-click functionality and protect media files. Popular options include "WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click" and "No Right Click Images Plugin."

4. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

Some Content Delivery Networks offer built-in features to prevent image hotlinking and unauthorized access. By leveraging these features, you can restrict access to your media files and deter content theft effectively.

5. HTML Attribute:

Another method involves using the oncontextmenu attribute directly in HTML to prevent the context menu from appearing when users right-click on images or videos.

<img src="your-image.jpg" oncontextmenu="return 0" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Additional Measures to Protect Your Content:

While disabling right-click functionality is a valuable deterrent, it's not the only method you should rely on to protect your website's content. Consider implementing the following additional measures:

1. Watermarking:

Adding visible watermarks to your images or videos can make it more difficult for unauthorized users to claim ownership or reuse your content without permission.

2. Copyright Notices:

Display clear copyright notices on your website, informing visitors that your content is protected by copyright law and unauthorized use is prohibited.

3. Secure Hosting:

Choose a reliable hosting provider that offers robust security features to protect your website from potential threats, such as hacking or unauthorized access.

4. Terms of Use:

Include a terms of use agreement on your website, outlining the permitted and prohibited uses of your content. This can serve as a legal deterrent against unauthorized usage.


Protecting your website's content is vital for preserving your intellectual property rights and maintaining the integrity of your work. Disabling right-click functionality is a simple yet effective method to deter unauthorized access to your images, videos, and other media files. By combining this technique with additional protective measures such as watermarking, copyright notices, and secure hosting, you can significantly reduce the risk of content theft and misuse. Remember, while no method is entirely foolproof, taking proactive steps to safeguard your content can help mitigate potential risks and preserve the value of your creative work.

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