GitCodeEmbedder - Free Embedder of GitHub Repo To Your Website / Blog

Sh Raj - Feb 3 - - Dev Community

GitCodeEmbedder: Embed GitHub Repositories Easily on Your Website

In the fast-paced world of web development, sharing code snippets, examples, or even entire repositories has become a common practice. GitHub serves as a popular platform for hosting code, and developers often want to showcase their work directly on their websites or blogs. This is where GitCodeEmbedder comes into play, offering a simple and efficient solution to embed GitHub repositories seamlessly.

What is GitCodeEmbedder?

GitCodeEmbedder is a free tool that allows you to embed GitHub repositories directly onto your website or blog. Whether you want to showcase a specific file, a collection of files, or even an entire repository, GitCodeEmbedder simplifies the process by providing an easy-to-use iframe code snippet.

Getting Started

To use GitCodeEmbedder, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the GitCodeEmbedder website -

  2. Copy the provided iframe code snippet.

  3. Paste the code into your website or blog, making sure to customize the src attribute of the iframe with your GitHub repository details.

   <iframe src="[User]/[Repo]/main/[File Url]" width="100%" height="700px" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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  1. Customize further using optional URL attributes:
    • To embed files from a URL instead of GitHub, use ?url=[YourFileUrl].
    • Set the language of the file using &lang=[languageName].
    • Display a single line of HTML using &html=[YourOneLineHTML].
    • Embed an entire GitHub repository using ?gh=[User]/[Repo]/main.

Additional Features

Embedding from URL

GitCodeEmbedder supports embedding files directly from a URL. This is useful if your code or file is hosted elsewhere. Use the ?url= attribute followed by the file URL.


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Setting Language

Specify the language of the embedded file using the &lang= attribute.


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Single Line HTML

If you want to display a single line of HTML, use the &html= attribute.


?html=<h1>GitCodeEmbedder - Free Embedder of GitHub Repo To Your Website / Blog</h1>
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Embedding GitHub Repository

To embed an a GitHub repository file, use the ?gh= attribute followed by the repository details.


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GitCodeEmbedder streamlines the process of showcasing your GitHub repositories on your website. With its user-friendly approach and additional customization options, developers can seamlessly integrate their code into their online presence. Whether you're a blogger, developer, or both, GitCodeEmbedder is a handy tool for sharing your code with the world. Try it out and enhance your website with embedded GitHub repositories today!

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