Accelerate your development: Blueprint Forge 2.1 for Rapid Application Building!

Tech Community - May 22 - - Dev Community

Introduction to Blueprint Forge

Blueprint Forge is an open-source Cumulocity IoT Blueprint that enables you to build an application from a template. Using the Blueprint Forge for Cumulocity IoT project you can easily build Cumulocity IoT applications starting with pre-built solution templates.

With the 2.1 release, you’ll experience a streamlined end-to-end solution that will redefine the way you approach application development in Cumulocity IoT!

Whether you’re configuring simulators to match your unique needs, integrating devices from other dashboards, or creating custom dashboard templates tailored to your own specifications, Blueprint Forge offers unparalleled flexibility and convenience.

What’s new in this release

  • Tailor Your Simulation: Select the Dashboard template to create simulator or use our pre-configured one.

  • Configure Simulator: Configure the simulator as desired, or just use auto-configured ones based on the selected dashboard template.

  • Link Device from Dashboard: Map devices from another dashboard by choosing the dashboard to link with.

  • Select Dashboard Template: Create new dashboards by choosing from a set of pre-defined dashboard templates containing all the widgets and information you need.

  • Share Dashboards: Share and Reuse. Add your Custom Dashboards to the Catalog by using “Add to Catalog” button and Share it within Tenant or export and use it in other tenants.

  • Add Custom Dashboard: Add a custom dashboard where you can customize which devices to link and choose the dashboard template.

  • Generate DTDL Plugin: Generate DTDL files effortlessly based on existing device measurements and simulate real device behaviors within the same or different tenants. Click here to learn more about the DTDL Generator plugin.

  • Enhanced Dashboard Catalog: Effortlessly find various dashboard templates tailored to your needs. With intuitive search functionality, selecting the perfect dashboard template has never been easier.

See the Blueprint Forge in action:

Additional information

Blueprint Forge is developed and maintained by SoftwareAG’s Global Presales team, but it is not officially supported by Software AG. It is supported by the best endeavor by the Tech Community.

Disclaimer: Remember, this repository doesn’t constitute part of the Software AG product suite, but users are free to use, log issues on the GitHub repository, seek assistance on Tech Community, fork, and modify it, subject to the license agreement.

Feedback and Ideas

  • If you find any bug, please raise an issue directly in the GitHub repository.
  • Please, feel free to share feedback and ideas by posting a reply here.

Want to help us improve the code? Check out our GitHub - SoftwareAG/contributing repository first.

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