YugabyteDB Managed is the cloud service for YugabyteDB, PostgreSQL-compatible distributed SQL database. All actions can be done from http://cloud.yugabyte.com and can be automated. Here is an example of provisioning a DB on the free tier though the REST API.
API Key, Account ID, Project ID
To interact in a secure way with the API endpoint you need a key, that you create in the web portal:
You can retreive the key as well as the identifiers of your account and project:
If you need to revoke the key, this where were you can do it here:
For further actions, you have all the necessary information to call the API. I set those in environment variables:
Software Track
There are two software tracks, the "Preview" to test all new features, with odd release numbers, and the "Stable" one, for production, with even release numbers:
Here, I'm creating a free database to test the latest features.
I get the ID for the Preview track:
curl -s --request GET \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/software-tracks \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' | \
tee /dev/stderr |
jq -r '.data[] | select(.spec.name=="'$YBM_SOFTWARE'") | .info.id '
echo ; set | grep ^YBM_ | cut -c1-80
Allowed List
To access from the public internet I need to add my public IP to the "Allow List". I create an allow list with my public IP gathered from http://ifconfig.me
and get its ID into an environment variable:
curl -s --request POST \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/allow-lists \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "'${YBM_ALLOW_LIST}'",
"description": "Gathered from http://ifconfig.me",
"allow_list": [
"'$(curl -s ifconfig.me)'/32"
curl -s --request GET \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/allow-lists \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' |
tee /dev/stderr |
jq -r '.data[] | select(.spec.name=="'${YBM_ALLOW_LIST}'") | .info.id'
echo ; set | grep ^YBM_ | cut -c1-80
Now, I have all the necessary as environment variables:
I define a name for my cluster and a password for the admin
Then I call the cluster creation API with one node in Ireland AWS region eu-west-1
. The num_cores
, memory_mb
and disk_size_gb
settings are those of the free tier on AWS:
curl -s --request POST \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"cluster_spec": {
"name": "'$YBM_CLUSTER'",
"cloud_info": {
"code": "AWS",
"region": "eu-west-1"
"cluster_info": {
"cluster_tier": "FREE",
"cluster_type": "SYNCHRONOUS",
"num_nodes": 1,
"fault_tolerance": "NONE",
"node_info": {
"num_cores": 2,
"memory_mb": 4096,
"disk_size_gb": 10
"is_production": false,
"version": null
"network_info": {
"single_tenant_vpc_id": null
"software_info": {
"track_id": "'$YBM_SOFTWARE_TRACK_ID'"
"cluster_region_info": [
"placement_info": {
"cloud_info": {
"code": "AWS",
"region": "eu-west-1"
"num_nodes": 1,
"vpc_id": null,
"num_replicas": 1,
"multi_zone": false
"is_default": true,
"is_affinitized": true,
"accessibility_types": [
"allow_list_info": [ "'"$YBM_ALLOW_LIST_ID"'" ],
"db_credentials": {
"ycql": {
"username": "admin",
"password": "'"$YBM_ADMIN_PASSWORD"'"
"ysql": {
"username": "admin",
"password": "'"$YBM_ADMIN_PASSWORD"'"
I can check that the cluster is in Deploying state:
List the clusters
I check the state from the list of clusters:
curl -s --request GET \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
| jq -r '.data[] | .info.id +" "+ .spec.name +": "+ .info.state'
For further interaction, I get the ID of the one I'm currently creating:
curl -s --request GET \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' |
tee /dev/stderr |
jq -r '.data[] | select(.spec.name=="'$YBM_CLUSTER'") | .info.id'
echo ; set | grep ^YBM_ | cut -c1-80
I can wait in an automated way:
until curl -s --request GET --url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters/$YBM_CLUSTER_ID --header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" |
grep '"state":"ACTIVE"' ; do sleep 1 ; done
This loop stops when the cluster is active
Connect with PostgreSQL drivers
To connect to the default database yugabyte
with the admin
user I set the PostgreSQL environment variables, getting the host from the list of endpoints:
curl -s --request GET \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' |
tee /dev/stderr |
jq -r '.data[] | select(.spec.name=="'$YBM_CLUSTER'") | .info.cluster_endpoints[0].host '
echo ; set | grep ^PG
I can now simply use any PostgreSQL tool or application:
The API is documented, you have the link on the API key list as "Learn more about REST API".
I can pause a cluster when I don't need it:
curl -s --request POST \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters/$YBM_CLUSTER_ID/pause \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY" --data ''
This one is free database, you don't pause it.
You can consider it as serverless 😃
If you don't need it anymore, you can terminate the service:
curl -s --request DELETE \
--url https://cloud.yugabyte.com/api/public/v1/accounts/$YBM_ACCOUNT_ID/projects/$YBM_PROJECT_ID/clusters/$YBM_CLUSTER_ID \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $YBM_API_KEY"
I've revoked my API key, so don't use those above IDs. You can sign up for your own free YugabyteDB: https://cloud.yugabyte.com/signup