GitHub + Pieces: Top 10 Ways Pieces Optimizes Your Development Workflow with AI

Pieces 🌟 - Apr 13 '23 - - Dev Community

Last week, Tsavo Knott, CEO of Pieces for Developers, a first-in-kind productivity suite that optimizes developer workflow and eliminates the chaos of context switching, showcased Pieces on GitHub’s YouTube channel and across their social media. This was the inaugural episode of GitHub’s ‘Start it up Wednesday,’ a new show hosted by GitHub’s Rizel Scarlett.
Knott showcased a modern developer’s workflow on the episode titled, “Optimizing your Development Workflow with AI.”

"ChatGPT and GitHub Co-Pilot are dramatically increasing the volume of code being written every day. With that we are seeing a role-change in developer workflows, where there is not only an increased need to curate from these generated materials; but further, developers are needing to save, search, share, reference, and reuse the outputs of Generative AI like we've never seen before." - Tsavo Knott

The Live Stream was over an hour long and showcased mind-bending edge ML that left the audience awestruck. Knott demoed the latest features of the Pieces Desktop app, including the ability to generate new code from a short plain English description, provide relevant descriptions and links to external resources, and share with teammates (soon via Microsoft Teams). He also demonstrated offline capabilities, proving that the age of on-device ML is here.

We've created a Top 10 Highlight reel of the event, showcasing how Pieces for Developers can optimize your development workflow using AI. It's the first-ever 'Top 10' highlight list curated for ChatGPT integrations and on-device ML. Get ready to witness some incredible new heights in the world of developer tools and machine learning.

Let's go!

10 Curate Code Snippets with Pieces...Titles, Tags, Related Doc Links, Suggested Searches & More 🤯 ✨

Knott provided an overview of Pieces for Developers, its origin, and its focus. Pieces is an AI-powered suite that helps developers curate the growing volume of AI-generated materials with auto-enrichment. It makes it easy to save, search, share, reference, and reuse code that is generated and found throughout the common development workflow.

Curate Code Snippets with Pieces...Titles, Tags, Related Doc Links, Suggested Searches & More.

9 Saving Code in Pieces

Developers typically save useful snippets using a notes app or Google doc. However, Knott demonstrated how Pieces can intelligently curate and enrich important developer materials throughout a developer's workflow. With copy and paste commands, developers can save snippets, retain syntax highlighting, and leverage AI-generated tags, descriptions, and links for easier in-app search using natural language.

Saving Code in Pieces.

8 Save code from ChatGPT with the Pieces Chrome Extension

Generative AI is creating an increasing amount of code, and Pieces provides the best platform for capturing these code snippets along with their related links, descriptions, and more. It's an excellent way for developers to leverage the power of ChatGPT.

Save code from ChatGPT with the Pieces for Chrome Extension.

7 Discovering Related Snippets in Pieces with GPT4

Knott demonstrated how developers can use Generative AI in the desktop app to discover related code snippets that are automatically curated and enriched. This allows developers to directly leverage the power of GPT4 within Pieces, eliminating the need to switch between tools and copy/paste. Additionally, code snippets saved in Pieces become searchable and easily accessible throughout a developer's workflow and within their IDE.

Discovering Related Snippets in Pieces with GPT4.

6 Exploring Global Search - "An Offline Google for resources Saved in Pieces"

As you save more materials throughout your workflow, the importance of search becomes more significant. With Global Search, you can quickly locate your developer materials. Not only does this make it easier to find, but Global Search also ranks materials based on their relevance to your current work.

Exploring Global Search - "An Offline Google for resources Saved in Pieces".

5 Air-Gapped, Local and On-Device. Using Pieces in a Secure Environment

You don't need an internet connection to benefit from machine learning any more. Pieces' in-house ML works completely offline and on-device, providing a customized experience that accompanies you wherever you go, whether you're connected to WiFi or not. This makes it extremely secure and safe to use in highly controlled environments.

Air-Gapped, Local and On-Device. Using Pieces in a Secure Environment.

4 Extracting Code from Screenshots with OCR & LLMs

“I’ve always wished I could do this...” Well, now you can, Rizel! Developers and anyone who wants to turn screenshots into code or text can easily do so by dragging and dropping the screenshot directly into the Pieces Desktop app. The app then converts the screenshot into code or text, complete with auto-generated metadata.

Extracting Code from Screenshots with OCR & LLMs.

3 Generate and Transform code from JavaScript to Ruby

Generative-AI creates a snippet and then transforms the code into a new language, directly in Pieces. 🤯🤯🤯
This is cutting-edge ML that minimizes context switching and maximized developer productivity! Check out this example of Knott asking Pieces for Developers to generate a JavaScript snippet and then convert it into Ruby.

Generate and Transform code from JavaScript to Ruby.

2 Generate a Clojure Snippet and make it more Readable

This one was wild— Pieces for Developers can generate a code snippet written in Clojure (or in 35+ other languages) based solely on natural language input. Then, you can make the snippet more readable without doing any manual rewriting. That’s a huge time saver.

Generate a Clojure Snippet and make it more Readable.

1 One-Click Snippet Transformations with Large Language Models

The two AI Transformations above simply scratch the surface of Pieces for Developers’ immense LLM-based capabilities. In a few clicks, you can make code more readable, more performant, into reusable boilerplate, or translate it into a different language. All of these functions are incredibly fast and local-first, making Pieces a leading tool to save developers time by leveraging innovative Machine Learning.

One-Click Snippet Transformations with Large Language Models.


Pieces for Developers takes developers’ workflows and code snippet management to the next level with AI-powered features like discovering related snippets, auto-enrichment with a title, tags and related links, transforming code to a new language, global search of snippets and more. All of these features are on-device, local and secure with integrated ChatGPT and machine learning. We know how much you love your current developer tools, and we want to make them 10x more useful. Pieces for Developers is the perfect tool between tools, enhancing and connecting your favorite tools like VS Code, JetBrains, Chrome browser & Edge browser, GitHub and more! Check out the full GitHub interview with Pieces for Developers CEO Tsavo Knott to learn more about our productivity suite & products. Install Pieces for Developers today to optimize your workflow and supercharge your productivity!

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